View Full Version : does this sound like an everyday bug/virus or something worse?

26-04-14, 12:49
I feel so ill today and I don't know if its normal bug/virus or something more serious.

I have muscule pain in my neck (not stiff), upper back, lowrt back, side, shoulders, jaw etc. I have a bad cough and chest and yesterday I was coughing so much I vomitted. Since then I constantly feel like I need to be sick, its a burning acidy feeling. I've been sick again today already.

My throat is sore and scratchy and voice is hoarse. I am quite tired and sometimes feel a little bit lightheaded. I don't think I have a fever, though I'm not sure. I have the sneezes.

Does this sound like a normal bug? Lost all sense of rationality :(

26-04-14, 13:00
It sounds like you should leave it a few days and if you aren't better then visit the GP. You only have to look back on the 100s of pages of posts on this website to realise that it is almost always something very insignificant, irrespective of the symptoms.

26-04-14, 13:11
I wish it was as simple as go see the GP in a few days. You have to make appointments at least a week in advance and you Have to jump through hoops to get seen on the day, which usually ends up with being told to go to the minor injuries unit who refuse to see you because it's not a minor injury.

Its not easy to just leave chest and breathing problems. :weep:

26-04-14, 13:37
In which case they are not delivering what the NHS pays them to do. If you need an appointment on the day then you should be able to get one without going to a minor injuries clinic. Also don't tell the receptionist what the problem is, just say you need to see a GP.

To get seen on the day you should have to say nothing more than, I need to see a dr today please. Any other questions they ask you are irrelevant.

26-04-14, 13:46
Wow, I did not know that. They always say they have to know what it is to see if it needs a doctor or not.

Once they sent me away with chest pain and breathing difficulty. I ended up at minor injuries who saw to me but were pissed off about it.

That's very useful info x

26-04-14, 18:44
The Doctor's receptionist has no right whatsoever to know anything about you medically. They are qualified to type, book appointments and carry out admin tasks. Unfortunately in my experience some of them think that just because they work in the reception of a medical centre that they have some sort of medical degree, or have some sort of triage role. Really gets my goat to be honest.

My doctor's receptionists' line when you phone up for a same day appointment is 'is it an emergency'. My response is always 'I haven't done a six year medical degree - was hoping the GP might tell me, but if you want to know how to commission multi million pound healthcare contracts then I am your man'.

The very idea that you have to wait a week when you are ill is ridiculous.