View Full Version : terrified im gonna die, please respond!!

Worried 24/7
26-04-14, 18:40
So ive been completely terrified for two months that I contracted hsv1from my friend by kissing her on the mouth(don't know if she has it or not), and that it has spread to my genitals. I never had any sores but ive had a lot of leg pains. Then two days ago I developed a sore spot on my inner labia. Then yesterday I was itching my outer ear and it hurt abd I realized there was a sore spot there. Well now last night, both my ears were itching really bad inside and then today the one was really wet feeling and there was this creamy looking discharge when I scraped my ear with my nail. Also I've been getting sharp pains deep in my ears for weeks, ever since I got sick which turned into bronchitis. So then I took qtips abd cleaned my ears and it looked like wax only too yellowish compared to usual. Also I developed a headache in the middle of the night abd I never get headaches during the night like that. So now I am Completely Terrified that I have herpes inside my ears and that it will travel to my brain and kill me. My upper back has also been sore and weird feeling and usually it's only my lower back I have issues with pain. I am so scared and I'm suppose to go out with some people today and its all I can think about! I don't wanna die!!!!!!:weep:

---------- Post added at 19:54 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

Someone please??

---------- Post added at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

I feel so alone and scared

26-04-14, 19:23
I'm so sorry about your anxiety, Worried 24/7. I think anxiety can cause your muscles to tighten and tense up, which could explain your upper back pain.

Have you seen the doctor about your symptoms? I don't know much about herpes except that a friend of mine contracted herpes once, and was able to treat it successfully with medication.

Let us know how it goes.

26-04-14, 21:40

I replied several times on your other thread about this. I also gave you some very good information. I'd be willing to bet my next month's salary you didn't contract herpes from your friend.

Like I said, I've dealt with it since my teens. No biggie! With over 25% of the worlds population affected (statistically it's probably closer to 50% between type 1 and 2), chances are you know several people who have it. It's not deadly. A PITA yes, but that's about it.

That all being said, unless you've engaged in inappropriate behavior with someone with the virus, the chances are slim to none you have it. And think about what you're saying as it applies to your friend.

One thing that's quite apparent is your health anxiety. I'm afraid you're in a state of mind that nothing anyone can say (including medical professionals who think it's sinus related) can help at the moment.

Treating the real illness is the best solution long term. Make an appointment with your GP. Print out some of the threads you've posted and show him/her. Ask about counseling and/or meds that may help you deal more effectively with the irrational thoughts that are consuming you at the moment.

Good luck and positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
27-04-14, 04:37
Well, unfortunately if I wa snt worried before, I am now. The friend I went out with tonighht had a cold sore. It was dry, but at dinner I accidentally grabbed her water and drank it. The irony....here I was completely terrified and I go and do something so careless!! Her drink got moved over and I thought it was mine. Way to go....now I feel so incredibly stupid

---------- Post added at 08:34 ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 ----------

Fishmanpa: thank you for all your advice, but the reason im more scared now is due to the sore down there that is obviously not sinuses. I wa snt worried about it for a while until that popped up

---------- Post added at 08:37 ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 ----------

I'm also aware my thoughts go for minor worries to huge irrational fears. I am working on it but Google is my worst enemy

27-04-14, 15:18
the sore down there that is obviously not sinuses. I wa snt worried about it for a while until that popped up

Well... as I said, unless you've engaged in a behavior that has exposed "down there" (oral/genital sex with an infected partner) or anywhere else for that matter to the virus, it's physically impossible to get it. Just a thought... it could just be an ingrown hair or an irritation from shaving.

In the mean time, print out some of these posts and go see your doctor. You can kill two birds with one stone. If you've been Googling, then you know what I'm saying is accurate.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
28-04-14, 00:23
I hope someday I can stop thinking I'm dying on a daily basis. The support on here really helps me not just break down in tears and feel like I've lost.

30-04-14, 01:12
I feel the same way. I hate this fear that has sunk its roots into my mind, tainting every waking minute. I hope all of us manage to climb out of this dungeon sooner rather than later!

Worried 24/7
30-04-14, 02:17
Indeed. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy