View Full Version : can it be beaten

26-04-14, 19:32
hi me again,im just wondering if anyone on here has got to a point where they have beaten their anxiety to the point life is enjoyable again .i accept im not going to die and my symptoms are caused by me but i just cant see an end to it,the light at the end of the tunnel is fading and i worry ill lose everything to this

26-04-14, 19:56
hi me again,im just wondering if anyone on here has got to a point where they have beaten their anxiety to the point life is enjoyable again .i accept im not going to die and my symptoms are caused by me but i just cant see an end to it,the light at the end of the tunnel is fading and i worry ill lose everything to this

I have.
But with the help of meds.
And not long ago I felt the way you now.
Hope that helps a bit.

26-04-14, 20:02
Yes you can!!!.... but I will have to be vigilant for the rest of my life........ but for some they beat it fully... that's why they are not on NMP anymore:)

27-04-14, 00:11
I understand how you are feeling and I'm just waiting to get help through a therapist. I have 10 days left to wait. Every day I get out of bed looking forward to a new day and every day I end up with constant suffocation feeling, head in the clouds and sometimes chest and upper abdomen tightening. I'm thinking positive that this will turn around. Best of luck to you.

Catherine S
27-04-14, 00:41
Yes it can be beaten...once you can accept that some anxiety is part of life for everyone, not only us, that 'normal' people have anxieties too, including health anxieties. It's how we learn to live with it is the key. Not the severe crippling anxiety, that will go eventually with the right meds and counselling, but just recognising that eventually the good days far outnumber the bad ones. So, the 'can be beaten' part is when you get to the point where you stop trying to get rid of it completely and when you do this, you can start to enjoy life again..with a bit of anxiety thrown in :)

27-04-14, 00:57
I have and I enjoy life. I have felt like you do right.

Catherine S
27-04-14, 01:04
Rose Eve, I love your posts and am so happy for your recovery...its ace!


27-04-14, 05:23
It's so nice to hear that. I've been switching from antidepressant to antidepressant, because I can't seem to handle the side effects of getting on them.. And even afterwards, my anxiety convinces me that maybe the meds are the source of the problem. -.- And off the meds, I'm left with this awful leftover "buzz" of anxiety that I just can't seem to get rid of.

I was so worried that I was just an odd case that was going to be stuck with this forever.

27-04-14, 15:03
I'm learning to manage and heal, rather than cure. I am a ton better then I used to be, I've gone from having daily panic attacks to be attack free since February last year, but the anxiety and everything that accompanies it is still a struggle (skin biting, hair pulling, paranoia etc). I can't see myself ever being cured but I'll always strive to be better.