View Full Version : introduced yourself

26-04-14, 20:52
Hi im 26 and I have been suffering with anxiety since I was 18. Ive had hypnotherapy. .. cbt... twice. I have lost my job as my anxiety came back alot worst in November. I am learning reiki at the moment and was trying to get back on my feet.... the boom... my partner of 7 years wasn't happy anymore. So we have split. I feel absolutely shocking and dont no what to do now. I have. Never had to deal with my GAD on my own.

26-04-14, 20:55
Hello and welcome hun you have come to the right place there is lots of good peeps here with help and support xx

26-04-14, 20:58
I hope so hun cause I just dont know what else to do at the mo x

26-04-14, 21:25
Hi Sam sorry you are going through a bad time, you have made a good life choice joining the NMP site, lots of great people who will give you support when you need It most, sadly losing partners is hard to cope with but I think you will manage fine,phone a friend and get them to bring a bottle roundx

26-04-14, 22:14
Do nothing. Just let it be. We don't always have to do something that's our problems we want too much control in life

26-04-14, 22:28
Its just hard cause having generalised anxiety disorder means I feel like I cant cope with things that life just throws at u... I need to plan for things to prepare myself all the time... x #idintprepareforthis! Lol

26-04-14, 22:58
I'm sorry your having to deal with all this,but even by just joining this site,you've made a start,and now you can come on here to talk when you need to,and you'll find people here who will try and help. Even if its just offering an ear.
Its true life can throw things at you,but thankfully, not everything it throws is bad stuff.
You will find a way through this,even if you're not sure yet how you are going to.
One of the ways I've coped at times is to tackle things in a structured way,try and get a bit of a routine going in your day,making sure that you include the top priority things,like shopping for food,eating well,getting some fresh air,enough sleep,ect,even if you eat certain meals on certain days,it will make sure that you will keep well,and that things get done.
Don't look too far ahead.Find something that cheers you up a bit,music that you like,ect.
You are only young.You have so many great things to enjoy ahead off you.
I know how hard it is.
Keep going,one foot in front of the other.x

27-04-14, 03:41
Welcome, Sam. Splitting up is heart wrenching for anyone and when you have anxiety it's even worse. That said, you can and will find the strength to carry on. Having a partner sure does help but it's you, you need to focus on just now. I hope you find good support here and you will get through this difficult period, however bad it feels.

27-04-14, 15:44
Thankyou everyone for the kind messages. . I really appreciate it x

27-04-14, 16:58
Welcome to the forums. :)

I'm going through a bit of a stressful time at the moment as well! I resigned from my job a couple of months ago and also recently split up with my girlfriend. Anxiety has a lot do with it I think. Be positive. :)

28-04-14, 00:05
Yeah I think my partner was not strong enough. But to be fair I have put them through a lot... hope or OK x

28-04-14, 00:25
Yeah I think my partner was not strong enough. But to be fair I have put them through a lot... hope or OK x

Yeah anxiety sure puts a lot of strain on any relationship. If it's meant to be you'll end up back together. :)

28-04-14, 16:27
No I.cant go bk now.. it just will never b the same. Ill always b waiting for something to go wrong xx

28-04-14, 16:30
I can't imagine how hard it is for you, I've been with my husband for only three years and that's difficult enough. If you want someone to vent to, I'm here too :) x