View Full Version : Bad Day

26-04-14, 21:12
I've has a headache mostly for the past 4 days and had the usual symptoms that I have. I had a 2 hour nap this afternoon and woke up shivering and cold which scared me because whenever I shiver it's like my whole body looks as if it's fitting and I can feel it spasming, even in my chest and stomach. I shake so much usually that it gives me a headache. I went out with my mum and I was sat in the car and I felt so, so sick and my headache that had lasted for days was making it feel like somebody was squeezing on my head. Sitting there then it honestly felt like I was going to pass out from feeling so faint and light headed. I felt ill for hours and still feel bad now. Just so sick, headachey and faint and I have a shooting pain in my left breast/chest area. 2 weeks ago when I felt ill like this I got my first ever nose bleed and it's just happened again. So freaked out now and it's making me cry. Keep getting pins and needles in my head, my eyes have been twitching for days and I've got an awful ache that is radiating down my left arm, as if somebody is pulling on it. Really, really convinced that if I sleep tonight I'm going to die because I honestly feel so ill, death-like, faint, drowsie and not with it.

26-04-14, 21:18
I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way today, Chloe. Given that you're afraid of going to sleep tonight, would it help to see a doctor to rule out anything urgent? I only suggest this as a means of achieving some peace of mind, especially in the short term.

26-04-14, 21:23
Bulan - I have to wait until Tuesday to see the doctor :(. I would go to an emergency centre or a and e but I'm too scared to go alone and my parents just tell me it's anxiety so refuse to take me :(

Catherine S
26-04-14, 21:32
Chloe it could be a migraine, what you describe sounds very much like it. There is also another kind of headache that is very painful and can last a long time and that's a tension headache...which is more painful than it sounds believe me. Neither one is life-threatening so its safe to google them if you need more info about them.

These headaches can be worse in girls/women because of hormones...flippin hormones have alot to answer to i tell you. I used to get them quite badly before the menopause hit, but now that my oestrogen levels are lower I don't get them so much.

Also, as the last poster said, if you're not sleeping too well, this can trigger bad headaches too.


---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:28 ----------

Just to add, my sister-in-law called my hubby one night a few years ago saying she had the most awful headache...really bad, much worse than she had ever had before and she was so scared, so he took her to the local hospital emergency dept, and they said it was just a really bad migraine, she couldn't believe thats all it was, she felt like her head was going to explode with the pain. So they gave her some strong painkillers and sent her home. Thats how bad migraines can be sometimes.

26-04-14, 21:40
Too true! And migraines typically come along with a miserable nausea. They treat that at the same time. But if you do go in, you must tell them you suffer from anxiety so they can formulate a treatment that doesn't exacerbate that. xx