View Full Version : Continual eye issues, please advise!

Irish Sammie
27-04-14, 15:44
Hi guys,

I know that there are quite a few posts about eye issues, but from what people have been describing, seems more momentary than continual.

For the past 2 months EVERYDAY I've been dealing with my eyes issues.

1.) Photosensitivity : My eyes are so sensitive to light, I'm squinting all the time outside unless it's very cloudy. Glare just kills me.

2.) The feeling of complete information overload, like my eyes are trying to take in too much information, and I can't relax my vision on anything. (Which can lead onto feelings of depersonalisation)

3.) Eye movements feel jerky, and not smooth. When not moving them, I find words on the screen and in books are blurry around the edges ( I went to an optometrist and she said my eyes were fine)

4.) When travelling in a car it's the worst, as I see everything move much faster and feels much less stable.

5.) My field of vision is narrower, I know before all of this I could see more in my cone of vision. It feels like my peripheral vision as come in more and my point of focus is smaller.

6.) Most mornings and night time I've a dull lingering ache/headache behind my eyes and temples. A cloudy, spaced out sensation lingers with me also.

Has anyone here had this and cured it? Most of the time, I don't feel anxiety, BUT my eye issues can bring them on and gets me flustered and feeling very uncomfortable. The only time I get some rest from it, is at night time when the sun isn't out, and things feel more calm. Trying to function in public is very hard as I can't keep calm and if I do, It's fake and I'm just putting it on in order to seem LIKE I'm functioning.

A friend who overcame his anxiety and panic attacks told me he used Holy Basil supplements and Vitamin A and D to help with his eyes. Can anyone else vouch for that?

Any advice would be lovely at this stage as it's consuming me and no one around me really understands me because you really have to experience this to fully understand it's effects. I'm experiencing this constantly with no let up so I'm quite desperate for a plan of action!

Thank you for listening :)

27-04-14, 16:25
Hi, Sammie! I have had the shrunk field of vision, in my case it was from low blood pressure. Can you get in to the GP (regular doc)?

Irish Sammie
27-04-14, 16:49
Hi Marie,

I could go of course, but I'm not sure what he could do for me? There could be a very slim chance this has nothing to do with the anxiety, but I still get attempted panic attacks when I'm in this current state of mind, so I can only assume that it's part of it.

I just hate wasting money on professionals who tell me "you're fine". you know?

28-04-14, 03:27
Eye issues can be very frightening. Are you on any medication? I've had visual issues from meds and also "natural" ones such as (serious) "floaters". Got sent to the hospital a couple of times by the optician due to the risk of retinal detatchment. Do get checked up if you can and it shouldn't cost you anything. The NHS will cover such a check up and even your GP should be able to have a quick look as it were

Irish Sammie
28-04-14, 12:09
Eye issues can be very frightening. Are you on any medication? I've had visual issues from meds and also "natural" ones such as (serious) "floaters". Got sent to the hospital a couple of times by the optician due to the risk of retinal detatchment. Do get checked up if you can and it shouldn't cost you anything. The NHS will cover such a check up and even your GP should be able to have a quick look as it were

Hi Derek,

I've noticed an increase in the floaters. I've a black one I see every day now, when before I had all of this, I might see one randomly every few months like normal people do. When it's sunnier outside, I also get quite a lot of white floaters too, though they're more noticable against a light/white background, also a few string like shapes instead of the usual blob shapes.

Right now, my health insurance ran out, and I didn't have the finanaces to cover the renewial. If I went to the doctor, might he give me a referal to the hospital?

Referal=not having to pay for it? I don't mind paying for the doctor, but I'd not be able to afford a specialist at the moment.

I'm just torn at to whether this is all psychology based (anxiety) or a physical issue. I've resided that it's psychological because of the panic attacks I've had. It's all quite confusing.

Irish Sammie
01-05-14, 22:48
You live in the UK right like us? Get yourself to opticians or doctor mate and have yourself referred to the hospital, if you need to clear your head about then get them to send you, its your eyesight after all you dont want to mess with it - there is that big chance though, that your creating the problems because its in your head, I have the exact same worries, my OCD is based around my eyesight... although I reckon now I am the problem, we'll make problems because we believe in them so hard

Thanks man, I know what you mean. I'm In Ireland actually. I don't think I'm making up this symptom as I don't know how I would be able to convince myself of such a thing.

2 months ago, my vision was not like this. It started then and everyday since it's been the same. I'm not thinking about the symptom as I don't have to, I see it through my eyes everyday.

02-05-14, 08:24
Hiya I to am having a lot of eye probe I have suffered anxiety panic and agoraphobia for forty yes and this eye prob I am having is a newish symptom to me I bet I have had issues with my eyes over time. But this yr some scarey major ones I have listed on here a fe times about it as well like one day. Felt like so much pressure in my whole face like maybe it was my sinuses then my eyes felt like they were buldging out and dry they some Timex feel life,e they not focusing were I want them to or like rolling its o hard to explain then one day like people who suffer migraine and how they get wiggles and bright light aura things well that happened to the point I could not see out my left which I not good I only have very slight vision in my right that's been that way all my life any way it set my in a major panic. Its happen twice now but I was told .last yr I had pressure at bk my eyes by my optition I had them texted again this yr was told I had pressure again this time was sent to hospital had a few more eye test and the doc said he was not worried about any thing with my eyes and discharged me abpnd I am still ageing probe but I do no in my heart I am so aware of it all my mind focus on it on waking so it could well be anxiety as I forgot to say I have been under so much stress this pas two yrs so take care x

05-05-14, 12:12
Hi I have same as you sometimes even looking at gravel in drive or grass hurts ,the blinds in kitchen hurt to look at and I have trouble adjusting from dark to light and vice versa,also reading close then looking up .but eye tests all fine...I see flashes at sides and if rub eyes black blobs in one eye that freak me out at times,in a shop shelves can look too much to take in and I have trouble looking at fence panels,I'm often feeling off balance and in a car if something moves next to Me while I'm stationary and I catch it out corner of eye it sends me dizzy,lots of headrushes associated with eyes ,ears and neck I think all connected through tension and anxiety