View Full Version : 1st timer here - Bladder infection worries

27-04-14, 16:13
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, just joined today. I came across this site while trying to find more info on health anxiety, which I've apparently developed in the last couple months.

Anyway, I decided to take the plunge and post on here since I've been having especially bad health anxiety for the last week or so.

I have had UTIs before, and I've always known because of the burning, stinging sensation when peeing. Getting on an antibiotic always helped pretty much immediately, and certainly within 24 hours I was feeling a lot better.

Well, after having some general abdominal discomfort and an urgency to pee pretty much right after peeing for the last 4-5 days, I went in to an urgent care place yesterday morning. I would have gone in earlier but I didn't have that characteristic burning/stinging sensation at all. They did the lab test and said yes, I had a mild bladder infection. They said the burning/stinging sensation is not always present with an infection.

Anyways, I started the antibiotic yesterday morning, so I've taken three doses now. I still have a very mild sense of needing to pee after just peeing (although admittedly I'm drinking lots of fluids per the doc's instructions). And more concerning, I still have a feeling of "fullness" or bloating or mild discomfort in my abdomen - mostly on the sides of the front and a little bit in my lower back. I know this can be related to kidney infections, which are often a lot more serious, so I'm freaking out a little bit. Why aren't my symptoms gone yet?? My instructions say to "seek immediate medical attention" (just that phrase alone makes me freak out a little bit) if the abdominal pain is worsening or if symptoms are not completely gone within three days.

Rationally I know things could take the full three days to go away, but I'm still worrying a lot. A friend of my family had a UTI/bladder infection diagnosis a few years ago and went home with an antibiotic, only to pass out with super low blood pressure a few hours later, go into a coma, and die after being taken off life support a week later. It was horribly sad and really shook me. She apparently had sepsis - infection of the blood. The idea that this could happen to me is totally freaking me out - I know more than it should - but I can't shake it.

My husband is really supportive but it's still just miserable to be sitting here enduring the anxiety and feeling totally wracked with fear as the minutes as they go by. I'm being so overly vigilant about whether my abdominal pain feels even the tiniest bit worse than before, is the pain different? Is it spreading? How am I feeling overall? Etc. Etc. Etc.

I guess I'm just hoping for some support through this forum, maybe some reassurance, etc. I know these thoughts are nothing new to a lot of people here.


28-04-14, 01:17
Heya. I know how you feel, I used to get chronic UTIs. I really really don't think you have anything to worry about, but it's possible that the antibiotics aren't working and you need a different kind, in which a trip to the doctor is in order. But please don't freak out about it. I'm so sorry to hear about your family friend, but that sounds like a freak occurance and it's likely there was more to it than that. That will not happen to you. Try and put a rational plan in place - things feel so much more manageable when you have a plan. If the drugs haven't helped within three day then I think it's reasonable and rational that you go back to the doctor for a check up. Also, make sure you get yourself some probiotics because anitbiotics can actually cause bowel problems as they wipe out all your good bacteria.

28-04-14, 01:45
Thanks so much for the reply. It helps me keep things in perspective. I actually have only been on the antibiotic for a day and half so far, and I think I might be starting to feel the abdominal discomfort letting up a bit.

One thing that helped me was calling a nurse hotline number for my insurance. For me it always helps to talk to someone with medical knowledge who can reassure me and help me create a rational plan like you said ("if it's still painful after day three of antibiotics, go back into the doc"). I think I will try to take advantage of the nurse hotline more often since it can really help to get that "expert" advice when we are getting consumed by anxiety.

Another thing that helped me was a technique I read in a book. It said to create two columns on a page. On the left, write down the worst possibly things you could imagine happening. Then on the right, write down what you REALLY think will happen in reality. The left side ended up having things like "The infection will take over my body and I will pass out and die" and the right said had "I'll prob get over this infection just fine." It helped give me perspective because I had to actually physically write it down. Then fold the page in half and leave only the right side showing so you can read it often.

28-04-14, 09:32
Good for you for doing those things! I'm glad they helped. You do need to give it a chance to work, so I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I'm sure you will just get over the infection like usual. And try to remember that worrying isn't doing your body any favours and you want to give it the best chance possible to heal. There is lots of evidence to suggest that positive thinking actually helps with healing.