View Full Version : felt I could not breath

27-04-14, 18:43
Hi guys
Has anyone had this symptom I'm in the algarve at the mo for a few days I was on the beach for a while then waked into town on the way back I was walking up the hillside just away from the beach a few hills when all of a sudden I felt I could not breath I don't know if it was the heat or if I was haveing a panic attack or even a heart attack I felt like wanted to rush my breathing like I wanted to run away some where
I had my heart tested in Dec where they injected some dye and raced my heart to around 160 they found nothing wrong there so I don't know I am feeling very flat at the mo it's like I can't let it go I keep thinking about it when I should be enjoying myself

Catherine S
27-04-14, 18:48
Hi Melvin...its awful when your anxiety follows you on holiday isn't it? Reading your post though, can i ask how fit you are? Because unless you're really fit and normally don't have any problems walking uphill, sounds like it could be this that was affecting your breathing. I'm not good with uphill walking, even the slightest incline and i'm slowing my pace, its embarrassing! But I take beta blockers which slow everything down anyway, so it takes a while for my breathing to catch up!

If you had that test not so long ago and all was fine i wouldn't worry too much to be honest. Its normal to feel breathless walking uphill...depending on how fit you are.


27-04-14, 18:50
Hi there, I sometimes get this in the summer when there is no breeze, it feels like I can't get air. I think it's normal but anxiety sufferers focus on it which makes the feeling worse.

I find drinking ice cold water helpful.

27-04-14, 18:56
Thanks for your reply guys
I'm fairly fit for my age I swim most days but I never do walking realy it just felt like I had walked into a steam room for me that means I can't breath in them

Catherine S
27-04-14, 19:00
Ahh well that'd be down to the heat then...we all need a bit of a breeze to feel comfortable don't we :)

27-04-14, 20:30
Thank you for your replys guys