View Full Version : hello.struggling.

27-04-14, 19:50
hi.been reading for a few weeks.finally brave enough to introduce myself.been on citalopram on and off for a few years.was feeling fantastic and came off after tapering in January.few weeks later started feeling really down,mood swings etc same old problems.dr told me to try st johns wort which was horrendous.back to dr who gave me floaxatine as I didn't want to go back on cit as id just met someone new and before it killed my libido.after 4 days of that I couldn't take any more.never felt so ill in my life.cut a long story short got back on the cit 10mg 3 weeks ago and feel terrible.cant stop crying.cant concentrate.had a very traumatic week last week after a good week before.never felt like this before on cit.dont know what to do.sorry for rambling.all over the place

27-04-14, 20:46
I know how terrible it can be but it WILL get better. Totally normal to have a down patch you just must get through it. 10mg for me was not enough. On 20 and it took a good 6 weeks to feel normalish again.
DO NOT give up now, you have come so far. Be proud of what you have achieved. xoxoxo

27-04-14, 21:29
Waiting for meds to settle down is really hard.
Just been going through all that myself and still working on getting my confidence back. You've just got to grit your teeth and take a leap of faith that its all going to work out. It will. Whoever comes up with meds that work quickly will be a hero in my books.
Make sure you make good choices with food,and try and find ways to soothe your soul while you bide your time,music,maybe? You'll have your own ways.
Keep strong,better times are on their way