View Full Version : Back pain - Worst cancer fear

27-04-14, 21:45
Hello all.

I’m in need of help/perspective more than ever before.

I’m an infrequent to moderate user of the NMP forums as I can usually keep my HA under control however I’m in the middle of what I consider to be one of, if not the worst episode I’ve ever experienced. I’m in what feels like a particularly dark and frightening place at the moment and feel one of the only few places I can turn to for (hopefully) some sensible words of encouragement is the forum here.

I guess like many of you, I’ve had the varying worries and anxieties about so, so many illnesses and diseases over the years – in the past I’ve convinced myself, utterly truthfully, that I’ve had bowel cancer, brain tumors, strokes, impending heart attack and throat cancer but the symptoms I have at the moment have been with me for so long that I genuinely do feel that there is something wrong. Please, any viewpoint would be really appreciated to try and help me see if I’m being blinded by my anxiety.

About a year ago, I started to get a twinge in my back; just lower than my right shoulder blade and just to the right of my spine. It’s never been ‘painful’ but I’ve noticed a mild discomfort that sort of comes and goes. It has always felt as if it’s muscular but I couldn’t say for sure. I seem to recall it starting after I lifted a large piece of wood by myself and it’s this that I keep trying to hold onto in my deepest, darkest moments. My job means I have to do some lifting every few days so I guess logic (if I was able to think logically) would say something along the lines of I injured a muscle in my back originally and as I never gave it time to heal properly, the lifting and stress I’ve since put on my back…for almost a year…has meant it continues to flare up to this day. As I say, if I was able to think logically….

The pain hasn’t got worse, nor has it become more frequent but the fact that it hasn’t healed or gone away started to ramp up my anxiety. At first, it was only slightly but when it was still aching at Christmas, I decided to go to the doctors and see what he said. My main reason for this was that I had spoken to someone about what was going on with my back and they rather unhelpfully told me an entire story about a close family friend of theirs who had exactly the same symptoms, they too thought it was problems with their back muscles when in-fact it turned out to be pancreatic cancer which they soon died from. For about a week after hearing this I almost had a breakdown. My anxiety went sky high, I cried, panicked and had to have two days off work – not because of the discomfort in my back, but because of my crippling HA. Eventually I got to see the GP where I explained I’m a chronic hypochondriac and that my HA was becoming more intense because of my recurring back problem. My GP is very good and said while he thought it was mechanical (muscular-skeletal damage) he would run blood tests to ‘put my mind at rest’. The blood tests came back and with embarrassing predictability, they were normal. He seemed very unconcerned and suggested a couple of stretching exercises that didn’t really help very much at all. Despite having blood tests coming back clear (which I guess would have flagged up at least something if it was more serious) and the GP being unconcerned, I’m still terrified that it’s some kind of underlying cancer-thing going on. All this despite nothing really changing – discomfort is still in the same area, feels sort of tender when you press the muscle…in fact the only thing that has gotten worse is my HA.

Things got so bad that my wife pleaded with me to go back to the GP and ask for a re-referral to my CBT therapist, which I did last week. I explained that I was still having discomfort in my back and he re-affirmed that the blood tests were normal and after another physical examination of my back, suggested I tried a book called Mind over Mood before I got back in touch with the CBT team. I agreed, went to the library and got a copy of the book yesterday. I’m hoping that it will help me try and gain just a bit of perspective or balance when it comes to everything that’s going on.

I don’t know why I’m so terrified about these sensations and discomfort in my back (which is actually making me feel tense in my neck, head and chest muscles too)…maybe it’s because this has been going on for almost 12 months now or maybe it’s down to the anxiety grinding me down to what feels like my lowest ebb in years. Maybe it’s because those around me (GP, parents, partner) seem so matter-of-fact about my symptoms, I have no idea but I’m fighting a battle with this f**king HA again and all I know is that I’m terrified that I might be genuinely and seriously physically ill.

I can’t tell if I’m stressing over nothing or if I should be worried. But then again you hear of people with muscular/disc/back problems that have gone on for years so maybe the GP is right that it’s mechanical????? I just don’t know what to think anymore…oh, and the GP has referred me to the local physiotherapist too.

I’m sorry for such a long post but I’m so scared and tired of worrying about the possibility this is cancer related.

Any encouragement or words of perspective would be more welcome than ever before. Thanks for taking the time to read.

27-04-14, 22:32
It sounds muscular to me. I have something similar on my left side. Been there for 12 years. Sometimes I barely notice it. Stretches never seemed to help me because I would over do it or I would just focus more on the discomfort. Chiropractor helped some and planting flowers. I found working with the dirt relaxing. I would reach and stretch to plant the flowers and I wasn't focused on anything else. I noticed I was feeling a lot better and started planting all over the place. My dr said it was better than meds. I guess what I am trying to say is that some things get better when you don't focus on them. Trust your dr. I have had ultrsounds, bloodwork, and x-rays. They always turn up normal. We just focus on every twinge and pain and our muscles are always tense causing more discomfort. Something sinister would have become increasingly worse in 12 months and you would be very ill by now. You Are Fine. Take care Tiff

27-04-14, 22:50
Thanks Jitterbug, I know what you mean...I find the physical sensations (and therefore the worst of the anxiety) ease when I'm distracted. I have absolutely no idea why this is causing me such acute anxiety though. It's a complete, if very frightening, mystery to me. You know how it is...there are moments of clarity where you have the realisation that in probability the pattern of physical symptom triggering HA and the ongoing cycle is being played out but nevertheless I seem unable to step out of that cycle and see what an idiot I'm being. Genuinely getting desperate for CBT in the hope it may offer a lifeline in regards to these ongoing relapses of anxiety.

27-04-14, 23:38
I also notice that when I hear about a young person that dies suddenly from some disease my HA gets out of control. Currently I am focused on my heart after a girl I went to school with died of a massive heart attack. Now all the chest tightness I have always got when anxious is actually a heart attack in my mind. I have been having panic attacks daily for about 6 weeks now. Ha is not fun. We are probably healthier than most physically because of our obsessive self monitoring, but we feel the worst.

28-04-14, 02:04
Hi Dan, so sorry to hear what you're going through :(

Not that objective opinions always help much when you're stuck in HA ... but from my objective standpoint it definitely sounds likely to be a muscular issue you're struggling with. Have you tried seeing a chiropractor for it? Might be worth trying an alternative method like that if you haven't already. Keep holding on to that sliver of knowledge that your HA is most likely the big challenege here (not to diminish the fact that your back DOES have pain).

JITTERBUG, totally agree with you that seeing stories about freak things happening in the news sends me into a spiral of panic. I've had to reel in the amount of media I take in which has helped a lot. I don't read many magazines anymore, don't watch the news or read the paper, don't look at Facebook, don't Google anything health related, don't go to Weather.com - have you seen the stories and ads on that site? It's ALWAYS about people dying of this or that, totally random stuff that reminds me of tabloids. Kind of seems like a dramatic move to cut out all the media, but it really has helped me to get a grip and not get the skewed idea that these freak things are the norm. They are just that - freak occurrences that are NOT even remotely likely to occur. All they are are stories that grab attention through fear, so they continue to get published/played.

28-04-14, 02:40
Hi Dan,

Yeah, this has been a niggle on your brain for some time. I responded to a similar post several months ago and pulled positive, rational lines from your post to show you how you were encouraging yourself. This post is similar. You state very logical and rational reasons why this isn't sinister. In the same breath, you acknowledge your HA and know that's what's causing you distress. It's good you're seeking help in getting CBT and reading self help books. Sounds like you just need some tools to get a handle on the Dragon and keep him from breathing fire down your back.

I've said many times here concerning cancer and peoples fear of it... I've had cancer so I know full well what it's capable of and how it behaves. In the months and months you've had this fear, cancer would have taken you down or made you very ill by now. It doesn't just hang around idly waiting to all of a sudden take you out. It grows and grows, doesn't come and go, move around or silently eat you alive without you knowing it. You can read all the one in a million stories of undetected cancers but someone with HA or a history of it would be at a doctors with the slightest niggle and based on all the tests so many here get, there's virtually no chance anything would be missed or misdiagnosed.

Positive thoughts

29-04-14, 20:44
Thank you all for the kind replies and for taking the time to respond...I really,really appreciate it.

The last day or so has been a bit better in terms of keeping a lid on it - the replies have helped a great deal. I've been trying to think straight about the discomfort I've been having. The muscle that runs from between my shoulder blades down my spine feels deeply bruised or tender when I press on it in specific areas - this makes the discomfort I'm feeling far, far worse. With that in mind I'm thinking that as the pain seems to be on the outside of my ribs, it's probably less likely to be pancreas (inside the ribs)...this seems to be giving me the upper hand on my anxiety - for the moment at least.

Still very achey but trying to relax.