View Full Version : Why do things always go wrong?

28-04-14, 09:35
Hiya, I'm having a hard time guys :(

I had to leave my job so I'm applying for university in September, however because I'm applying independently I need a reference.. so I asked my old boss 2 weeks ago to write me one and he promised it'd be written by yesterday but it is not. I just get this overwhelming feeling that there is some force in the universe trying to stop me from going and trying to stop anything good ever happening to me :/ every time I try and do something that I want I am stopped over and over again. I'm worried that I won't get into university because all the places will be filled up.

I have been so patient but i'm losing my energy

Thanks for listening ><

28-04-14, 11:09
Then ring him everyday until he gets it done. I am in the recruitment process of getting my new job and I have called them several times to make sure that it is going OK, in doing so I found out there were some issues that I had to resolve. Thankfully they are now resolved and my resignation will be in the post to my current employer.

Unfortunately if you want something badly then you will have to put in extra hard work. University is no easy ride, that's the application process as well as the course itself. Don't sit around and wait for things to happen, you need to get on the phone to your employer, badger him every-single-day, call your university to make sure it has been received and keep going until your place is secure.

The only thing stopping you, is you ;)