View Full Version : Finally doing a MRI tomorrow and I'm scared

28-04-14, 09:42
I've posted a few times here and some of you might know that I have brain tumor fears. After two years of constant head pains, 2 clear ct scans and 2 weeks of new symptoms (tingling in left arm and foot, ear pain and a new type of headache, throbbing pain on the top of my head), I finally decided to do the MRI I've always been scared of. I realized I don't even care anymore. I honestly think that I do have brain tumor, based on the symptoms and if that's the case then I need to know the truth and not run away from it. Thanks to everybody who's ever made me feel better through their words. Even though I feel I have the stupid tumor, I sincerely hope the results will prove me wrong.

28-04-14, 18:07
Well done for going! Fingers crossed for a clear result but an answer for you! Xx

29-04-14, 04:47
Glad you have gone and will have some closure on the fears. I think 2 clear CT scans prior is definitely reassuring. Hope they get the results back to you very soon so you don't have to wait too long!

29-04-14, 17:18
MS fear is taking over my life im having new random symptoms wich they are saying is anxiety..... I did my mri and the place told me my results are in but my dr. said i have to wait for a call tom. this is the worst part. I hope all goes well with you brother keep us posted.

29-04-14, 21:03
You showed strength and courage in overcoming your fears! That's a victory right there. :)

I hope the test went well. Give us an update when you can.

29-04-14, 22:36
Thank you so much everybody! And now we wait..... :)

30-04-14, 01:06
Ah yes, the wait. I hope it's short! :)

02-05-14, 12:28
I got the results.
I am so, so happy:D They asked me if I've ever done a neck scan and since I haven't, I did it and I have some kind of spondylosis, I don't remember the name but it means my neck is too straight and it's supposed to have this curve. I mean, it's not life threatening and I just can't explain in words how happy I am!

02-05-14, 13:27
So pleased for you x

02-05-14, 18:01
I am sooooo happy for you!!!!

02-05-14, 20:34
That's fantastic news

02-05-14, 20:46
I remember you really worrying about this over 6 months ago. I just wanted to copy something from last October.

"I did a ct scan though, it was clear. My doctor says the pain comes from my neck problems and tried to assure me that I'd be dead by now if I actually had a tumor but my high anxiety just doesn't let me believe him :/"

So now do you believe him? Congrats on the all clear.... :)

Positive thoughts

02-05-14, 22:23
That's brilliant news Jimmy! :-D

03-05-14, 00:14
Ah, I guess I do believe him now. It's weird because he could notice that even on the small part of my neck that was scanned on the CT when I did it for my head. Great doctor.:yahoo:
Anyway, thank you people, thank you so much! I feel reborn. I can finally live my life now. Ugh and when I think how sure and convinced I was that I was going to die and how it's not fair, I'm only 19.... I promise myself I won't be like that anymore.

Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 01:00
congratulations! Im so happy you finally got the answer you needed :-)

03-05-14, 02:47
Excellent news! :)