View Full Version : Pharyngitis?

28-04-14, 11:21

At the end of march i had a terrible sore throat and took myself off to the Drs to be checked out as my son had not long got over tonsilitis, i was told i had pharyngitis. I was prescribed some antibiotics which i took and things seemed to calm down but not completely better.

Over the last 4 weeks i have had a slightly sore throat on and off which i have tried to ignore, Last night though it seemed to be back with a vengence, sore throat, tired, headache and now a numb tongue!

Has anyone ever had this numb tongue thing with a throat infection as its freaking me out abit! Have had a look today and i can see a few small white spots on one of my tonsils and also have a 'gunky' white coating on my tongue ( sorry tmi)

Thanks in advance anyone who can offer some reassurance until wedneday....when i am back to the drs


28-04-14, 13:54
I'm sure it will be fine.... but as you have probably read on here a lot... we are not Dr's and cannot and should not say to you "it could be this or that".... and really seeking reassurance is not good for people with health anxiety as it can just lead to more and more worries.

I am sorry if that sounds harsh...... but that's the truth of the matter.

...but to me it sounds like a virus or tonsilitus (but I am NOT a Dr)
