View Full Version : Question on Counselling

06-12-06, 00:02
Hi everyone,

I was diong very good with the anxiety for a good month or so and had the anxiety almost completely under control. That numb, empty, "just curl up & die" feeling gradually subsided. However, it developed into an intense pang of sadness, most often when I was alone. I could deal with that.

I feel lately, unfortunately, like giving it up and just accepting it. I've felt like I'm stuck in a period of inertia with this - I understand WHY I feel like this, yet I don't at all understand it. And noww I just feel like I'm regressing. I've started waking up with panic attacks again, and even had one when I got home today.

My problem is this. I admire my counselor a lot, but I feel like he's just leading me in circles. Usually it's to find out where we want to take our counselling, but the next session we always go straight back to the same discussion and get stuck in the same circle instead of addressing the issues head on or discussing pratical applications. I know he isn't suppose to lead me, but I'm at my rope's end here.

I'm seeing him tomorrow, and I am planning to bring this up to him. I just wanted to know what you all thought.

Thanks guys. I come to this forum and read the posts a lot when I'm feeling lost and misunderstood. Whoever came up with the idea for this board is the best. :D

06-12-06, 00:19

Good luck tomorrow. Do you think you are feeling more panicky because of the counselling? Either because you think its frustrating you or because talking about your issues is making you more sensitive.

Take Care,



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

06-12-06, 10:19
similar to yourself, I feel like I was getting better and then started to get worse again. I don't see a counsellor but go for CBT.
The therapist asks me what do I want from the sessions. I don't know, I just know I want to feel better. I am worried to say too much as it contributes to my feeling of neediness. I don't feel like we are getting anywhere. just this morning I wrote down what I thought and it seems to me that I don't fit a 'box' . I am not phobic of one thing, I don't have a specific anxiety, I don't have one main overiding fear. Today, it is the fear of my repetetive thoughts, tomorrow it might be that my children will die, the next day it might be that I will die, the next might be a good day etc etc.
I do sympathise and relate to your thoughts of giving in and accepting it, but I think that like me really you want to get better. Do you possibly feel guilty for not keeping on getting better? i suggest that as that is how I think about myself.
I think you bringing it up with him is a good idea. Maybe a bit of clarity will come from it and help you feel like you are meeting the problem head on.
I hope you get on well. Please let me know how it goes with your counsellor. I am planning to bring up my uncertainties next week with therapist.
Take care!

06-12-06, 10:44

I am currently at college studying counselling. Ive also been through counselling and various other therapies so kind of see it from both sides.

In order to get the best outcome from counselling you need to feel totally at ease with him so you are right in saying you will tell him what you have told us here. Tell him you feel like you are going round in circles and getting stuck. How we feel emotionally inside us can relate to issues that is making us feel stuck - like a comparison. Maybe you are holding back on other areas too - Im not sure - but try and be as open as possible and once you start to talk about how you really feel - it may open up other areas.

Counselling can sometimes be frustrating, cos we want answers, guidance, their opinion, their approval, etc, etc....... but a counsellor will listen, be non judgemental and totally empathise with you and will allow you the space to explore options but the decisions are ultimately down to you.

I wish you well and dont be so hard on yourself


........life is for living not just for surviving

07-12-06, 04:19
Hey ya all, thanks for the concern and advice. I talked to my counsellor today, and we both agree I need to work on my self-esteem, self-worth, and generally treating myself every now and then just for me.

I'm feeling better now, mainly because I got a huge load of work done today though. I'm a little shakey, because I drank coffee again. ACK. At least I'm not drinking the hard stuff anymore. ;)