View Full Version : Anybody else get worse before a holiday ?

28-04-14, 20:43
Im due to go on holiday in 5 weeks and I'm terrified I'll be ill, I'm convinced I'm going to find a breast lump or something else , I've had a pain behind my right eye for last few days, only had an eye test about 8 weeks ago , I also have Tinitus and Am convinced it may be a brain tumour, does anybody else feel like this before a holiday ?

28-04-14, 22:26
I go on holiday a week on Wednesday and already feel anxious about it! You're not alone! Xx

28-04-14, 22:34
Yes I was terrible before (and during) my holiday to USA. Felt much better on return to UK

28-04-14, 22:36
I feel like this and haven't even booked my holiday yet. My friends and I are meant yo be booking to go away in august. I'm sat there like what's the point? How sad Is that? They're all excited and I'm wondering WHAT IF I get ill. What bloody if!!!!

29-04-14, 00:13
Yes I get like this too usually. It takes me a while to adjust.

29-04-14, 01:31
I haven't been able to take a holiday in nearly 30 years:weep:

30-04-14, 11:46
This is me!
I go on holidays next week and felt my anxiety kick in today whilst driving home.
It has also kick started my OCD :(