View Full Version : 3rd antidepressant in a year feel horrible!

28-04-14, 22:01
I have been on citalopram to sertraline and now to effexor-xr all within a year.

The change from sertraline to effexor started well, didn't notice anything much, but then got really bad stomach bug twice within two weeks. I am starting my 4th week of effexor and over the last couple of days feel really anxious and weepy again. When I started this drug I actually thought that maybe just maybe it might be the one to help me, but now I am not so sure. I take 150 tablets once in the morning. Doctor swapped me directly from 150 sertraline to 150 effexor.

I know it can take a few weeks to kick in, but some days I feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I take diazepam to help and found I am having to take extra for the extra anxiety. I hate this!

I don't remember the change from citalopram to sertraline doing this.

Anyone else have experiences like this?

29-04-14, 04:56
Hi Hemps!
I have taken sertraline, and I agree that for whatever reason, I also didn't feel extra anxious with it. I came off of it a long time ago. So, I didn't do a switch, but start-up side effects for me on Effexor included suddenly-increased physical tension: Intense knots-in-stomach and muscular tension that went on all day from the time I took it in the morning, right into the evening, finally easing off about the time I went to bed. Partly I suppose because I had learned about how the SSRI effect of venlaxafine (Effexor) works, and how the majority of serotonin receptors are in the gut, I was able to see this as simply the physical effect of the drug. I found out that the way it works is that our serotonin receptors are inhibited (stopped) from re-uptaking the serotonin that has been released, thereby increasing the amount of serotonin in one's system. I was then able to imagine that the strong pulling sensation I felt was actually the result of the initial forced closure of serotonin receptors, strengthening over the course of the first few weeks as the level of the medication rose. It was to me a logical reason why I would be experiencing these feelings, which my body associated with anxiety, and so I chose to think of it as a physical side effect and to just leave it at that. Told myself I didn't have to take the ball and run with it! I practiced long, slow, deep breaths and reassured myself, as often as it took to get through. The tension eased off somewhere around 4 weeks in, the knots-in-stomach being the last part to go. It went from being an almost-constant feeling to several bouts a day, to a few, to none. I can see why a person would experience these physical side effects emotionally as well at the same time, I can. I just wanted to point out that there is a real physical component to startup side effects with Effexor. I encourage you to stick it out until they ease off. It may take some time and the positive effects may be subtle once they do settle in. But especially since this is your 3rd med in one year, do please give it 8-12 weeks if you possibly can. Others also augment their Effexor with beta blockers to help counteract uncomfortable feelings. You may want to talk to your doctor about this. Good luck, hang in there. Keep going, it could still be the one to help assist with your attempts to start feeling better. And take heart, there are still others as well if not. xx

29-04-14, 08:39
Hi thanks heaps for your response! I will stick with it for at least 8 - 12 weeks as you suggest. Sertraline was at least 7 months.

I think I could just be feeling a little worse at the moment because I have just started my period. Hormones are a real pain sometimes! and also recovering from a tummy bug hasn't helped.

My doctor has promised this is a good drug. So I just have to have a good try.

29-04-14, 10:27
I was on citalopram for a short while, gave that up, went on seroxat and then onto prozac without a break, and then put back on seroxat. I was off citalopram long enough to not feel much but the change from seroxat to prozac was the worst feeling I ever felt. I was so dizzy I was falling over, I was having reoccuring panic attacks and brain zaps. Never again!

30-04-14, 11:08
Hiya.. taking anti depressants can be just as difficult as dealing with the mental health issues sometimes.
I had big problems with citalopram and flouxitine as well
Between taking each anti depressant I personally took a break and allowed my brain to return to normal, if that is an option for you then I'd recommend it as it allows your to mentally get over it and stop blaming every symptom you have on the drugs. If this isn't an option then I'd say stick it out for 2 - 4 weeks but if you still feel bad then go back to the doctors. I have personally always taken medication into my own hands, sometimes the doctor just doesn't understand how horrible it can be! Once I was told to take a tranquiliser and it was awful so you know what i did? I STOPPED!
Take my advise with caution but remember you know your body better than anyone.. if its not right then don't put up with it!