View Full Version : instant panic relief

28-04-14, 23:10

I have only suffered With a full out panic attack a couple of times but mostly I suffer with a high general anxiety but with mild panic dependant what happens in my day. It feels like I can't think, I feel it is hard to get my deep breathing, my hands go cold and my mind is ambushed. I really hate the feeling.

I wanted to know if anyone has any quick tips on reducing the panic feelings quickly. I thought you may be able to get a inhaler that will calm you down immediately. I have looked at getting a certain calming mix of cannabis or diuazipam may be? If you could share your own ways and drugs that bring you near instant relief?



28-04-14, 23:21
I'm on meds which help a lot,but I'm finding that the paradox seems to be that if you let the feelings flow through you,the quicker they're gone.
I know that's really,really hard,but otherwise you're feeding into it.
I try and say to myself that it won't last long,or kill me,and when it passes,I think well it must have lost some more of its power.

Catherine S
28-04-14, 23:38
Not sure there would be many members who would advise taking a mix of diazipam (tranquilizers) and cannabis..which is still an illegal drug in the Uk. Perhaps they would say go for it via private message Meewah, but on the open forum? Wouldn't really be very responsible to agree that taking an illegal drug was the way to go.

29-04-14, 10:47
I suffer the same as you and I don't think cannabis is the way to go... It can make your anxiety a lot lot worse and it is also illegal. I think your safer option is therapy and antidepressants maybe with tranquilizers.

30-04-14, 14:19
If you learn to ride the panic it will soon subside very quickly on its own.

Drugs aren't the answer. Cannabis probably the worst thing you can take. Many people suffer panic attacks precisely because of the stuff.

30-04-14, 16:30
There really isn't any such thing as instant panic relief.

Cannabis is a monumentally bad idea as a remedy as it can (and probably will) make things much, much worse.

As has been mentioned, just going with it and letting it pass is pretty much the only thing you can do, and over time it does make it much easier to deal with.

04-05-14, 22:12
Floating! Look up Claire Weekes. I was scared to let go at first because panic feels so dangerous but it's actually the fighting and resisting that keeps it going. Panic is a trick. The key is to communicate to your limbic system that there is no danger and the way you can do that is by carrying on like you would if the panic wasn't there. It's simple but it isn't easy and it takes practice. The next time you feel the rush of adrenaline and panic, go limp and don't do anything. "Float" through it and let it wash over you. It will be uncomfortable for a few moments but it will pass rather quickly. The adrenaline is going to die down anyway but it will do it faster if you accept it. It takes practice to get the hang of it and the first couple of times are tough because our instincts tell us to do the opposite. It's a paradoxical approach and from what I personally have found , the ONLY one that works for me.
Good luck!

Lyric 4Him
07-05-14, 07:01
As a Practicing herbalist, I am not against any RX that will help. I have given myself to study in this area, a fast acting supplement, herb, years of looking, honestly, I still have not found one. The standard thing if you go to an E.R. room, ALWAYS, they give you a shot of ativan- You can get a PRN of this, it is the ONLY known RX that takes away a panic attack fast, plain and simple.

S.S.R.I.'s and a few weeks to a couple months klonopin given, Klonopin is given short term, because the S.S.R.I.'s will cause anxiety many times at first. Xanax is the only other RX I know that will take away asap this.

I found the good old lunch size paper bag to work best, used to carry one in my back pocket for years, works fast, and until one learns how to do breathing exercise, not easy to master, esp in a full blown attack, the trusted paper bag, always worked fast.

There are a few herbs, supplements that work faster, but not right when you take them. Most herbs work in 3-8 weeks, but some things do work faster. GABA b not GABA, as it alone does not cross the blood -brain barrier, but GABA b, there are 2.
one that is Good. phenibut brand name ( NOOFEN ) In The U.S.S.R. in the 60's they tried and used this, and was discovered by them, it aided in, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Anxiety, and insomnia.
PUPMED says the top 5 herbs that have the most anxiolytic properties are,
Gota Kola, Passionflower,Saliva spp ( Sage ) Lemon balm, bitter orange.
I have found in my self help and practice a little known herb called Kanna, it is a flower from Africa, it is Africans, Kava, but is much more sedating than Kava.It woks very fast, and is a pleasant herb.

I agree with the others that said no MJ, makes it work, there is a similar compound, made as a hemp oil, 100% leagle in USA, so far, it does not give any mind altering effect at all, it has been proven to cure cancer, sedation, and kills pain real fast, the name is cannabidiol, It is not MJ, a differnt thing 100%, does the Job of Medical MJ High in CBD not THC strain, but no effects at all, aside from good-bye panic attack.

Skull cap, Passionflower, have had my best results, but take a few weeks.
Calcium-Magnesium, Vit B complex esp B6, I have seen the very best results, and a little faster than the herbs mentioned.
Brown bag it, breath into bag, this works, look into some of these supplements, herbs and see what works for you.

blue moon
07-05-14, 10:08
I always have paper bag in my car and carry bag,î was told by a friend(jokingly) maybe put it over my head. Gotta laugh:D