View Full Version : scent triggered allergy madness

29-04-14, 00:21
My name is phoenix, here's my story
3 years ago I was diagnosed with a scent triggered allergy to coconut and chocolate.. crazy I know right?
Trouble is those two things I once had a love for and regularly consumed. I was attending cosmetology school and due to the chemicals and lack of ventilation I became very sensitive to them.. even the smell of them with had very minute amounts of the particles would set me off.
They would trigger throat swelling as well as full body swelling.
Thanks to doctors and the rarity of this combination. I have done many different therapies and medical regimes for them. Best working is pepcid, benedryl, and prednisone. In my own regime anthmanex and xyzal were prescribed. Bad thing is prednisone and asthmanex taken together cause steroid overhaul and cane bring on steroid psychosis. Which is a very fancy term for really shitty panic attacks.
I battled the rapid heart rate, tight throat and flight instinct. They went away
I have now just quit my job, due to very inconsiderate coworkers and their coconut tanning oil and chocolate chip cookie baking. I felt less panicky than i had been due to worry of them triggering me. The panic attacks have gotten worse to where I feel nothing on my left side of my face. My heart races and I feel drained and in fear of going certain places. I can be normal then my throat gets tight and I feel like I have to get out of the situation or something bad will happen.
Has anyone ever experienced this type of panic attack before?
Its hard enough surviving with this allergy but now the attacks are almost unbearable.