View Full Version : Confrontations

29-04-14, 02:09
Hi I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and I am on 30 mg citalopram a day and sometimes take 5 mg zopiclone to sleep. I have been going through increased anxiety for the last month or so and am struggling to cope with some symptoms especially poor concentration , fatigue and a bad temper. I have had a stressful couple of months which has probably increased my anxiety levels and some daily situations are tough for me.

Yesterday I encountered a rude shop manager who started to raise there voice at me when I tried to return an item to a member of staff who admitted to selling me the wrong item the day before but he butted in and started lecturing me on store policy and instead of confronting him as he was wrong I tried to ignore him as I was still speaking to other staff member. I got the product exchanged and then walked out the shop without challenging the manager and really feel like I backed down as usual convincing myself that it is so I will not lose my temper but it is really lack of confidence and fear of confrontation and it can annoy me for days afterwards. These situations play on my mind as examples of me not coping with my anxiety and I come home in a bad mood and take it out on the wrong people. I had a bad argument a couple of weeks ago which ended up bad and after that I swore to calm down as I am not usually like that but I hate all this pent up aggression and frustration I worry how it eventually explodes out!

I just wondered If anyone else had anger issues with anxiety and fear of confrontation and how to resolve these issues sensibly?

blue moon
29-04-14, 03:43
I was once like yourself I never liked confrontation but now I stand up for myself and have no trouble in telling someone.gee I feel good when I speak back now,I am no longer what I was before,,a church mouse hiding in the corner.
Petra x

29-04-14, 13:15
Yes thanks Petra I do stand up for myself usually but when I am very anxious I try to rise above it and walk away as I am worried about losing my temper and saying something I regret.
I am going on holiday next week and a bit concerned about airport security as they can be a pain , manners don't cost anything !.
I think GAD sometimes gives you low self esteem and when somebody gives you unnecessary cheek or is rude it is really the last thing you need but it is all part of life! :mad:

Take Care..

30-04-14, 13:28
However, there's another way to look at it - the shop manager was the one that ended up with a red face and high blood pressure, and not you! :)

I have to say I get a huge amount of pleasure from *not* losing my temper with people who are looking for a confrontation.

30-04-14, 22:19
Yes I am probably reading too much into it staying calm is the best option in the long term and avoid the 'red mist'.