View Full Version : Lump in neck, night sweats... so worried please help?

29-04-14, 02:30
For the past year or so I have been having occasional (not every night) severe night sweats, I also recently have lost about a stone in weight cos I don't really have an appetite.
About 6 weeks ago I noticed a small, pea sized lump on the right side of my neck. I got my dr to feel it and she said it might have been caused by a zit I have on my neck, but the zit has gone now and although the lump hasn't gone it's still there. I have noticed another at the left side too. I'm so worried that this could be Hodgkin's. What do you think?

Worried 24/7
29-04-14, 02:47
I've been worrying the same thing because I've been having night sweats recently and my lymph nodes in ny neck seem swollen. But I'm going the night sweats are either from pms or because it's getting warmer out and my comforter is really warm. If your doctor didn't seem worried then you should try to relax. If takes time after the infection clears for the nodes to go down

29-04-14, 04:33
Lymphoma used to be my main health anxiety fear so I saw various different doctors about lymph nodes (as also had night sweats). Turns out my night sweats were from hormonal things going on and the lymph nodes were just normal or those that were raised were what they term 'shotty' I think, which means they reacted to a bug a few times and then never went back to normal size. I think if you have had the night sweats for a year that the lump would be bigger than pea sized by now if you had something seriously wrong in your system that long. Have you been anxious about the night sweats for a long time? just wondering if that had been causing stress and therefore the weight loss due to stress. If you're not eating much that would cause the weight loss, I think it's supposed to be more of a worry if you're eating normally but still losing masses of weight. As you've had doctor feel the lump and they think it's fine I would just monitor it over coming weeks and see if it gets any bigger. If it does go back to your doctor just to have another once over, but otherwise it sounds like it's just reactive.