View Full Version : does anyone feel like this

29-04-14, 07:46
I hope someone can help me with this just want to know if these are symptoms of anxiety it's only in the mornings it feels like flu I have headache shivers and my body feels like it's vibrating inside and no energy and feel sick , i feel better after a couple of hours but still don't feel right for the rest of the day had it for ages it comes and goes . Thank you x

30-04-14, 11:22
Hiya I've definitely felt ill from anxiety. Mornings are always worse because all the brain chemicals have not been flushed out and your body is weaker. Try having a very big drink of water, dehydration can make you feel ill. Always have breakfast. Treat these symptoms as you would a cold and you'll find that they pass. The feeling of no energy may make it hard to do these things but if you push yourself then you'll find your symptoms decrease quickly.

30-04-14, 12:55
Yes I get these low moods in the mornings especially at the moment as I am not feeling great. I sometimes have a sore throat as well especially as I have had the cold recently and I have strange anxious dreams which in the morning makes me feel crap!.
In another post someone explained that you get low blood sugar levels when sleeping over night and your subconscious mind when asleep can go through anxious thoughts without your control that you have in the daytime .
The only remedy I have found is a warm shower and try and eat something to raise your blood sugar levels and to get up and not lie in bed feeling miserable. Its tough especially if you feel tired all of the time and not getting enough sleep but it should pass.

Take care

30-04-14, 14:10
Thank you both York comments have made me feel better already the feelings are so weird you tend to think your not normal but I will take your advice thank you x