View Full Version : Gastroscopy tomorrow... I dont know how they are going to be able to perform it on me

29-04-14, 13:26
My symptom is persistent retching for the past 3 years.
I have no GI symptoms and no pain.
However nearly everything I do/(think of) causes me to retch quite violently.

What concerns me though is the fact that I am opting for no sedation as I want to be able to have a normal day afterwards I.E. Drive, operate machinery, drink alcohol and sign legal documents...

What the hell am I going to do? How are they going to get the scope over my throat and gag reflex when I am persistently retching at the best of times, let alone when I have an endoscope down my GI tract... I am VERY CONCERNED about this... Why the hell didn't they let me have capsule endoscopy like I requested??? It will find out exactly the same thing and more as it can observe places that a normal endoscope cant reach to... And it would be less invasive and save me a lot of mental anguish...

Catherine S
29-04-14, 13:46
Did they say why they refused the capsule and insisted on an endodcope instead calumcco?

29-04-14, 14:07
Did they say why they refused the capsule and insisted on an endodcope instead calumcco?

Hello I Still Believe. The specialist said they wouldn't be able to take biopsies without an invasive endoscopy procedure. I argued that there might be nothing to take biopsies of if there is nothing untoward found. I.E. Why is he assuming that there will be growths/polyps that require biopsy samples and/or removal?

I think these procedures need improvement and fast. I cant believe that in the 21st century we are having to sedate people, shove mouth guards into their mouths and insert tubes with a camera and a light down into their body just to find something out... It's barbaric and a dated practise if you ask me!!!

Catherine S
29-04-14, 19:55
I know what you mean but I guess its all they have until somebody invents another method...they obviously want to be thorough though, to save another test later on.


29-04-14, 19:58
Biopsies aren't just taken if they find something, they can take samples of oesophagus and stomach lining to test for stuff. The procedure is greatly improved to how it used to be years back. I'd recommend sedation because it will help you relax and you'll probably forget the procedure afterwards. It is normally very quick, and they make is as painless as possible

If sedation isn't an option for you then think about how you will relax yourself during the procedure, you need to do breathing techniques. Yes itll tickle your gag reflex...there is no denying that, but the doctor obviously wants you to have this procedure, they don't refer you to cause harm...