View Full Version : Chronic 24/7 calf pain?

29-04-14, 13:57
Having just gotten over my bowel problems after several years of trying to get it diagnoised I now have chronic sore calf muscles, on both sides. Doctor doesn't think it is a problem with my circulation but I am worried it is something (you know what) pressing down on my sciatic nerve in my lower back. I don't have any back pain though, well the usually soreness every now and then like I presume most people get. I am slightly anemic, pottasium is normal as is d-dimer. Anyone else ever experience this constant pain in calf muscles? It is with me when I sleep, in the morning, at night, when I rest, when I exercise, doesn't go away just sometimes it is more sore than other times. I really don't want to go though another round of x-rays and so on which will take me years to get done unless I go private. I am sick off it all to be honest, I havent felt healthy in, well I can't remember the last time (