View Full Version : Existential OCD/Derealization/Depersonalization

29-04-14, 18:06

Firstly, my dosage of Sertraline has been increased from 50mg to 150mg milligrams in the course of three weeks. So far, I have days where I'm able to tackle intrusive thoughts, but on other days, such as today, I feel like a train wreck.

So, the intrusive thoughts about harming family are still present and this only exacerbated my anxiety, but derealization, recently, has served as the cherry on top of the cake. I often get intrusive thoughts which pertain to the world around me such as 'why are we here', 'what is reality?', 'am I in a dream/alternate universe and the real me is somewhere else?'. Thoughts such as these often make me feel detached from my own body and surroundings. It's such an unsettling feeling and I just can't suspend the thoughts. I have this bizarre feeling that nothing is real even though I know deep down it is real. But I'm afraid that I will lose my mind and lose the ability to differentiate between what's real/unreal, and right and wrong. The feeling that I'm on the brink of insanity is just distressing me so much. I want this to end. I want to overcome my mental health problems and get my degree. At this rate, it's unlikely. I've taken up regular exercise and a home treatment team to assess me every two days, but this feeling of derealization continues to be debilitating. Is there anything else to combat this?

29-04-14, 21:33
Have a look at the other threads on this - punch in "existential" and "solipsism" on the search box and there's been a good few recently with some hopefully helpful replies.
Remember that the world hasn't changed at all before you had these thoughts - it's just things happening in between your ears that is he problem, the world is fine and just as sane as it was.
Also try to go towards the thoughts rather than blocking them out - make and exposure exercise of it, pehaps start with exposing yourself to words on the subject that scare you - universe, existance etc.

NMP Existential Guru