View Full Version : Bad afternoon!

29-04-14, 19:51
Had to go to a&e today my anxiety took over my body! I was sitting at my computer at work and all of a sudden my eyes went funny - the only way to describe it is it was like looking through a kaleidoscope, this caused me to panic I got hot and started to shake. Someone in the office noticed my discomfort and after explaining what was wrong she took me to a&e. The eye got better after half hour but my head still hurt and I felt dizzy. The doc checked me over and asked me a few questions - he told me that all of what I experienced was down to anxiety! Has anyone else had these vision probs?

*Fallen Angel*
29-04-14, 19:57
I had something very similar a few years ago. Do you suffer with migraines? The reason I ask is because I do and very occasionally get aura before the pain. This is the visual disturbance you get usually before the onset of a migraine.

Have you had your eyes tested lately? Might be worth getting them checked out. I had mine done after the episode and all was fine. Never had it since.

29-04-14, 20:10
Yeah I had eye test a few months back after the first time it happened and my eyes are perfect. The doc also checked my eyes this afternoon too and said if there were any issues he would spot them. I occasionally have migraines.

29-04-14, 20:13
I had this happen some years back. I went to the emergency walk in, my regular Dr., and an eye specialist. They all said ocular migraine. They said it could happen with or without a headache and would last about a half hour. I had it happen 4 times in a two week period then never again.

29-04-14, 20:25
I had it once when I went on a Nintendo in PC world, scared the life out of me, the sight part lasted 20 mins or so but the head pain lasted a couple of hours, cold or hot compres, one or the other can work on different people, try not to worry, could have been caused by your comp screen.

29-04-14, 21:02
Thanks everyone what you all had sounds like what I had the blurred/bad vision lasted for around 30 mins followed by a thumping headache, I've still got head pain but it's not half as bad

01-05-14, 20:56
just an update - i went to my Doc's yesterday and saw my favorite Doc the one I have the most confidence in. She says that what I had is down to my anxiety and all my problems are 'textbook' symptons - just as reassurance for myself she took some blood samples - they are due back next week! she says she isnt worried - but it's playing on my mind. The Doc also put me back on Douslepin and work has given me two days off so I will not be in work now until Tues. Took my first tablet today completely knocked me out and now I feel groggy but I am confident they will work - although I know that I will not see the results for a couple of weeks.

I am gutted about this set back as I was doing so well!

01-05-14, 22:45
Your still doing well you have been Drs you are taking meds and trying not to worry so in my mind your doing ok, you said yourself Drs doing things to put your mind at rest not to find disease, once you except that you will realise that yes life is precious but it want be worth having if you don't enjoy it.
Live your life don't fear it.