View Full Version : where do you feel your stress/anxiety?

06-12-06, 10:25
So, I know most people feel stress/anxety in their stomach/abdomen... but I was wondering if anyone else feels it anywhere else sometimes.
I sometimes feel it in my right hand, like I just need to have the stress squeezed out of it.. anyone else feel physical anxiety anywhere else?

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


07-12-06, 20:09
hey buddy

yeah i get my on my left side, my face, neck, collar bone shoulder and shoulder blade, let breast, oh and the elecy thing going through my body., its a pain in the ass
Cool [8D]
so dont worry buddy

and if anyone can tell me why i get mine just there that would be great


07-12-06, 20:47
hi halfway, its strange cos ive never really thought about it before, but i definitely feel it in the top of my chest (i suppose it is where i feel my breath is going into).


07-12-06, 20:55

Mine is in my neck, shoulders and upper back (so tight sometimes I can't turn my head). I also have IBS so I guess I have it in my abdomen too.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

07-12-06, 20:55

I also have a sensation in my right hand, almost like a weakness but I can grip well. This in turn makes me rub my fingers on my thumb almost like a nervous tic. It is volunatary as I can make myself stop. I also experience a tingling through my scalp.


09-12-06, 16:18
Hi Halfwayhome

I get a tight chest; like someone sitting on it. I also get a multitude of pains and sensations right across my chest.
Pins and needles down my arms is also quite common.
A feeling of nausea in the pit of my gut.
Generally i just feel like crap!