View Full Version : What's the best one to get

29-04-14, 19:54
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'll do it anyway. Why not , eh ? I've been doing some research on the bible and i've read that the bible is full of wisdom , joy and life changing messages. I'm not going to convert or looking to convert but what's the best bible to buy for a first time reader

29-04-14, 20:01
I would say the bible, most other religious books are called other things, it depends on what you are looking for and the content you are interested in.

Catherine S
29-04-14, 20:07
Hi Dave, my bro who is a christian recommends the New King James bible as its written in language you can understand, but if you Google that question you'll see lots of recommendations :)

29-04-14, 20:21
Hi Dave
If you have a look in somewhere like WH Smiths,there's usually a selection of bibles in that section,just see what appeals to you.
I've found the small paperbacks you can get,with a daily reading in are good to use with a bible.

Catherine S
29-04-14, 20:35
I've tried to make sense of the bible off and on over the years Dave, it can be hard going sometimes..you have to be open to it, otherwise it sometimes doesn't make a lot of sense. I've never been one to wax lyrical about prayers and sermons and the like, but one thing I do know is that a man called Jesus lived at that time and he was special and brought comfort to loads of people, but in their ignorance they were suspicious of him and they tortured him and crucified him, and whenever I think of it it makes me really sad. I wish I could have known him when he was around...I probably would've been a Jesus groupie lol!

Was he the son of God? I don't know...I don't really think of God much to be honest...rightly or wrongly I tend to seperate the two...which some people will think is a bit strange. Anyhow...Jesus often hangs out of the clouds to tell me to buck my ideas up haha!

Hope you find peace Dave, we all deserve peace..xx

29-04-14, 22:26
Go to http://www.biblegateway.com/

It has the Bible in dozens of different languages and versions you can read on-line. Then when you find one that works for you, go for it.

Positive thoughts