View Full Version : Hot Face and scared

29-04-14, 20:03
Hi, it's been a while but anxiety trickling back and at moment I'm panicky.

Last week I was diagnosed with tonsillitis, I've had it loads of times in the past so know all about it. I was prescribed 2000mg a day of penicillin VX. Anyway ever since I started (course finished today) the left side of my face and ear is really hot to touch, I've googled it to death and can't seem to understand why? Is it still infection or is it a reaction to the penicillin? I don't have ear or tooth ache and typically I'm imagining alsorts. I hate the unexplained and always think the worst. Can anyone shade any light on this, I'm going to book am appt at docs tomorrow but in the meantime I'd love someone to try and explain to me what's going on?

Catherine S
29-04-14, 20:13
Well nobody but your doc can tell you for sure so you're right to make the appointment, but if you've never had this symptom before in connection to previous bouts of tonsilitis, then it could be a reaction to the antibiotics...is this the first time with this particular one?


29-04-14, 20:21
I'm not sure to be honest, I don't think it is and I don't suffer with any other allergies