View Full Version : Port nasal drip issue

29-04-14, 21:13
I posted here recently about mild asthma issue. Now there's no trouble breathing & it's no longer wheezing either. However, the post nasal drip is continuing which causes me to cough but it's clear mucous being coughed so , it's not infected. My dr said its due to allergies. If does make me anxious tho because it is pretty stubborn & I begin wondering why it hangs on. This is following a sinus infection. The infection triggered this but allergies triggered the infection to begin with. Antihistamines only help a bit. As I said no trouble breathing but can't get rid of this dripping. Thanks.

29-04-14, 22:21
I had post nasal drip for about 12 months for no apparent reason, stuff was pouring out of me, besides coughing it up like yourself I was also puking it up every morning. Antihistamines, steroid sprays, acid reflux medications wouldn't do a thing and my ENT doctor was stumped. I ended up going to numerous different doctors and a few different ENT doctors and only one of them even mentioned anxiety and stress and how the "fight or flight" response may cause you to produce more saliva, after hearing that I convinced myself that must be the reason and it just went away.

29-04-14, 23:04
Thank You for your response!

30-04-14, 08:47
Hi Violet

I've had this for nearly 2 years :mad: I finally went to see an ENT guy because the morning cough was worrying me. I've tried nasal steroid drops which stop it but it comes back again when I stop them. Sinus problems run in my family (excuse the pun!) so I think I'm just stuck with it.


30-04-14, 09:21
Anxiety can cause the sinuses to become inflamed and produce too much mucous. Also you hay have GERD or (if unsymptomatic) silent reflux, which are commonly caused by anxiety and creat post nasal drip.

Interestingly, because I have a pinched nerve in my shoulder/neck I've recently started doing some chiropractor exercises to release my neck. The first time I did them my previously blocked sinuses flooded down my nose, and since then no more post-nasal drip. :D