View Full Version : 4.5 years of terrible tooth pain

29-04-14, 21:38
I'm a 29 year old woman who has been suffering from terrible throbbing tooth pain in my lower right teeth for almost five years. It started when I had a cavity filled in July 2009. After the anesthesia wore off, my tooth hurt terribly (I was not in pain before the filling at all) but I assumed it would get better over time. A few months later when it didn't, I had the cavity refilled. Then I had it refilled again a few months after that. The pain has only gotten worse over time. I've been to countless dentists (at least 5-6 in various parts of the United States and in Bangkok), had way too many x-rays that show no problems at all, seen an oral surgeon, a neurologist to check from trigeminal neuralgia. The only things that have been proposed are 1) that the disc in my TMJ is out of place, putting pressure on a nerve, but there is nothing that can be done about that if it's true; and 2) a tiny crack in my tooth that no one can find in an x-ray. I've been prescribed large doses of daily ibuprofen for months at a time in case there was severe swelling, which did nothing. I've taken extended courses of antibiotics, which also did nothing. I have tried benzos to see if relaxing my jaw helps, which helped me sleep through it better but doesn't seem to reduce the pain. I am suffering with this daily, and it is severely impacting my quality of life. All the dentists have refused to do a root canal or pull the tooth, because they say my teeth are perfectly healthy and those procedures are not reversible. If you have any ideas for what else the dentists and doctors might be missing, I would greatly appreciate any insight or ideas.


03-05-14, 09:43
Just have the tooth taken out, they cannot refuse it's your mouth.