View Full Version : Heart worries and what ever else crosses my mind !!!

29-04-14, 22:02
Hi all
I've had a bad day today and still having a bad day my heart keeps racing even though not done anything , I'm sat in bed and can feel my heart pounding , had left arm ache , keep thinking I won't last the night . Only a month ago I went to a& e who gave me an ecg and blood tests , everything came back clear , but now keep thinking it could happen anyway . And especially being so stressed lately I'm sure I'm going to have heart attack . It's weird cos I know and we all know we suffer with anxiety but it still doesn't stop those negative thoughts . How can I stop worrying x

Catherine S
30-04-14, 00:11
One way is to say to yourself that yes, even after all the negative tests just recently, what will happen will happen. I mean, let's face it, if the tests only a month go haven't convinced you...how can we? Ive had the same heart attack fear since my 20s and am now almost 61. *Nobody here can help me overcome it and I never ask them to, I just share my experience of it with others. You..are..not..having..a..heart..attack. Maybe you will one day when you're old, who knows when their time comes and with what? Just live your life ok? Live your life.

30-04-14, 09:59
I have the same fears sometimes, but it's important to realise a heart attack doesn't mean a death scentence.
If you look at the stats apparently 'lots of people have heart attacks' but it's not really a large chunk of the population. Most of them have existing or undiagnosed (which an ecg would have picked up to a really good extent) health conditions or are very old.
Of those who do not fit into these categories they over exert themselves, i.e marathon runner, too much alcohol, drugs, weight loss, god knows what else.
Of those who don't over exert themselves and just have a heart attack a lot go to hospital and get treatment, then go on to live long happy lives.
A heart attack is serious, but it doesn't have to be fatal. This is why there is increased awareness, so you can get yourself to hospital in time.
A lot of these 'horror' stories of people seemingly healthy having a heart attack and no-one believing them are more often than not told by the patient's point of view which means... hang on, they survived! Most people find out something's wrong because thing's get serious. But it gets serious for a reason and that's when you should take action, and then nowdays with all the high tech medical treatment, you'll most probably be A.OK.
You will feel a heart attack if it happens, and if you are unsure and worried then wait 5-10 minutes (maybe 15 if you have felt the same symptoms before and you know it was a panic attack), and talk to youself rationally in this time. If you can't stand it or it gets worse rapidly then call an ambulance and if it is a heart attack you will be treated and if it isn't at least you are not in danger.
Please take care. x