View Full Version : Pain under left rib and also underneath left shoulder blade

30-04-14, 12:01
Hi everyone,

Unusually enough I'm not posting something hysterical about bowel cancer but something is niggling me and I was wondering if anyone could share similar experiences?

I've suffered with weird sensations under my left rib since August 2011, it was this starting that caused me to have my most serious HA breakdown (as in not eating sleeping or leaving the house for weeks). At the time I was given the works, ultrasound and X ray, countless physical exams and bloods. All fine. GP said it was IBS. As the anxiety gradually decreased, so did the senation. However it has bothered me on and off since then and now the sensation has changed to a burning one. It's not constant but is there every day. Often it's worse when I bend a particular way. I know I struggle with trapped wind in this area (which is common with IBS sufferers.) Apart from this sensation there are no accompanying worrying symptoms, no bowel changes or loss of appetite/ weight.

In addition, since my son was born 20 months ago, I've had some issues with a burning pain under my left shoulder blade. It's worse when I stand for long periods of time but not particularly exacerbated by movement. I hold my son on this side and he is extremely heavy! So the doc said it was very likely muscular and to take ibuprofen and see a physio. Neither of which I've done because I was sceptical that this was the problem which is bad I know. My ribs on this side are now painful to touch, mostly in the chest area. I'm having a teeny bit of heartburn and acid and burping.

I had blood taken in January and all was normal.

Both of these issues do seem worse when I'm stressed and I think about it all the time which I know won't help.

In the back of my mind I'm worried about the pancreas or bowel but feel that this has gone on so long now that if it was something that serious I'd be feeling worse.

Anyway, it would be really helpful to hear from other people who might have suffered with the same.



30-04-14, 12:39
This sounds exactly like me! The only difference being that I've also had loose stools since my son was born (7 months ago) and the rest of the pains have only been going on about 2 months. (I've had ibs for a few years too)

I've had endoscopy, colonoscopy, ultrasound, chest xray and multiple blood tests. I too have been very worried about pancreas. Regarding the back pain, I've had this the last few weeks. Have seen physio and apparently this is classic area in the shoulder blade and upper back for mothers of young children. I had mri of spine too and upper back all fine.

I went back to gastroenterologist today for review and he has reassured me that one of the tests would have shown something if there was any growths etc. He said it must be more to do with function of organs (in a benign but just annoying way). He prescribed me pancreatic enzymes and also told me to have slippery elm, aloe vera juice, and probiotics. He will review me again in 6 weeks. The back issue has been put down to purely result of strain from lifting baby and turning in bad positions. Overall the whole lot is largely put down to stress though as well apparently.

Good luck with getting yours sorted, if you find out a particular cause let us know too as our symptoms do seem a bit of a mystery!

30-04-14, 13:57
This sounds very much like me as well. I've had pressure under my left rib for about seven weeks, and it turned into burning and sharp pains a few weeks ago.

I also have a 21 month old, who is getting quite heavy... :)

I've got to run, but I'll post more later.

30-04-14, 15:36
Thanks bulan, I really look forward to hearing from you x

30-04-14, 17:13
Me to! I have a 17 month old! Could having a baby be the answering to these health anxieties?!

30-04-14, 19:11
Me too, mines on my right side though, it feels like a permanent dull ache, I been worrying about pancreatic cancer but listening to you girls makes me less panicky. I have a 2 year old xxx

30-04-14, 19:16
Seems to be a recurring theme for Mom's with young ones that get carried around Hmmmm ;)

Positive thoughts

30-04-14, 19:22
Hi Fishmanpa
How come you're all ways positive and have a logical reason for things lol wish i could think like that instead of immediate panic xxx

30-04-14, 19:43
I just feel like saying something about poo just to make him extra happy ; )

It's very comforting that so many people in similar situations are saying similar things. Can I just clarify- are people getting the burning pain under the ribs too?

01-05-14, 01:19
Me too i have a 7 months old. My whole left side is feels different than right side.arm .shoulder. side. Breast. Is this normal. But why we all is mom has young baby. Is that something to do with. Birth or is something wrong with us.

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 01:22
Hi Fishmanpa
How come you're all ways positive and have a logical reason for things lol wish i could think like that instead of immediate panic xxx

I know right?? I always enjoy his comments :-)

01-05-14, 05:20
A massage therapist told me that many parents of young children begin to complain of back pain once their kids exceed 20 pounds. It's true for me, I realized, as I have multiple points in my back that I once thought were caused by cancer, but ended up disappearing once I did physiotherapy exercies.

However, this feeling of pressure under my ribs on the left side feels different to me. After an X-ray, ultrasound, and urine test, two doctors told me they think it's structural. But I went back to my GP who's doing more in-depth blood and urine tests. He also referred me to a gastroenterologist, and I assume he'll want to run tests of his own. We'll see how all of that turns out.

If I had to guess, I'd say the pain and pressure, for me, is a combination structural issues, emotional stress, and digestive issues. I'm trying very hard not to dwell on the possibility of colon cancer, but I'm not successful 100% of the time...

---------- Post added at 23:28 ---------- Previous post was at 23:24 ----------

I know right?? I always enjoy his comments :-)

Me too. :)

---------- Post added at 23:31 ---------- Previous post was at 23:28 ----------

I just feel like saying something about poo just to make him extra happy ; )

It's very comforting that so many people in similar situations are saying similar things. Can I just clarify- are people getting the burning pain under the ribs too?

In my case, the burning feels internal, like it's somewhere around my splenic flexure. Sometimes it feels like it's underneath my ribs (at my side/back), and other times as though it's just below them (in front).

How about you, Button1?

---------- Post added 01-05-14 at 00:20 ---------- Previous post was 30-04-14 at 23:31 ----------

Sorry, last post:

I should add, though, that I've had a significant increase in bloating, gas, and pain over the last couple days. Not sure if that's a result of my diet or due to an internal problem.

Unfortunately, in my case, the jury's definitely still out on what's causing this. :(

01-05-14, 09:49
I think mine is splenic flexure too. When I bend I can sometimes feel bubbles moving and the pain eases. I've got no bloating really though so maybe it's not as much gas as I think. I've also noticed that when I've been to the loo and am not stressed (the holy grail!) the pain isn't there at all. Is that a good sign? But your description of the pain Bulan is EXACTLY what mine is.

This morning I've had no pain and it definitely feels muscular. Who knows...? I find it really hard as I don't know what's causing it and I just feel a responsibility to myself and my child not to put myself through invasive tests for something that could just be IBS or anxiety.

I just vagueness of it that I hate! It's enough to worry you but....argh!

---------- Post added at 09:49 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

I can also associate with the emotional issues- I've had a rough year so far, mainly due to the fact that I had to terminate a pregnancy at 21 weeks due to the baby being too ill to survive. Whilst I think I've dealt with that well, and I know I had some of the issues even before that pregnancy, maybe my body is telling me that I'm still dealing with it...

01-05-14, 19:44
Awwww.. thanks for the kind words and thoughts of poo ~lol~
I have to say, the poo threads are some of my favs... My attitude is "We're all pretty much full of sh*t and it all stinks no matter how you look at it" ~lol~

When you really think about it (in a moment when you're most rational ;) ), most of what you fear is not worth the time worrying about.

If I were to worry about every little ache and pain I had I wouldn't have time to live! Having experienced some of what so many here fear, I can tell you that if it ever happens to you, you'll deal with it. What choice do you have? And from what I've seen on the boards, if you are actually faced with something serious, your HA takes a back seat and often, it's the catalyst that puts you on the road to healing.

Positive thoughts

01-05-14, 20:57
You're good to have around Fishmanpa!

And you're right- when you're faced with the worst, you cope. No matter how much you may go to pieces over the tiniest twinge, when faced with a tough reality your HA does take a back seat. My GP and CBT therapist were on red alert when we lost the baby but I'm still standing and the stronger for it. Believe me, no one, least of all me would have thought that possible x

04-06-14, 22:24
I am having this and I too have a baby that I hold on that side pretty much anytime he is awake. Could that really be causing this? It just started yesterday. I had full panel of bloods in March and finger prick wbc like 2 weeks ago...but it still freaks me out. Mine is not where I have seen the spleen to be (yes I googled). Mine is in the middle front right under the breast and then on my shoulder. If I get busy I don't even feel it so I wonder if I'm making it up....I feel quite crazy actually!

15-07-14, 05:48
Button1, I'm deeply sorry to hear of your loss.

And thank you for your reply. I agree about avoiding invasive tests if possible, although, I have to admit, I'm extremely grateful that I decided to go ahead with my gastroscopy and colonoscopy. They've put my mind at ease in a big way, because now that I know don't have anything sinister going on in my gut, I can train myself to ignore the pain I've been feeling. I know it must be IBS, or my diet, or stress, so I can keep calm and carry on... as they say. :)

---------- Post added at 00:47 ---------- Previous post was at 00:43 ----------

If I were to worry about every little ache and pain I had I wouldn't have time to live!

I can finally say I relate with this! Looking back on the first six months of 2014, which were mostly filled with health anxiety over a variety of strange, new -- and benign -- symptoms, I realize how much time I lost worrying over nothing when I could've been enjoying my son, reading more books, or even writing one.

I have other symptoms now, and quite disconcerting (I admit), but I look back over the last six months and see how much time I've wasted on worrying. And then, sometimes, I'm actually able to set aside my worry, and think about something else while I wait for my next doctor's appointment. :)

---------- Post added at 00:48 ---------- Previous post was at 00:47 ----------

I am having this and I too have a baby that I hold on that side pretty much anytime he is awake. Could that really be causing this? It just started yesterday. I had full panel of bloods in March and finger prick wbc like 2 weeks ago...but it still freaks me out. Mine is not where I have seen the spleen to be (yes I googled). Mine is in the middle front right under the breast and then on my shoulder. If I get busy I don't even feel it so I wonder if I'm making it up....I feel quite crazy actually!

How are you doing now, Stressed32? Going to your doctor may clear this up, as might seeing a physiotherapist or knowledgeable registered massage therapist.

15-07-14, 18:01
Have you been tested for gallbladder problems ?

15-07-14, 19:59
ok I have had these problems for years and i have a 2 and a half year old. I have had all of the tests done possible. Turns out my actual left bottom rib bends!! (i, of course thought there was a tumor!!!) it was because I was carrying him around up until he was 30lbs!! especially when he was in the front pack. I go to see a chiropractor and she has fixed everything but i have to go once a month for a fix. Apparently, we tend to bend the same way everytime and that is why our spines get out of whack. I am almost convinced this is what you have. I was terrified at first but once I had every test done and when to a chiropractor I was shocked at how well it fixed up.

07-12-18, 01:42
Are y’all still around? I’m having similar issues.

07-12-18, 11:02
Hi Iamaleopard, I was one of the posters in this thread in 2014 and yes I’m still around! Just so happen to have almost exactly the same thing again now, only worse than last time. Back then I put it down to stress and muscle pain from having young baby to carry around. I had another episode of it in 2016 which had no explanation, and haven’t yet worked out what it is this time! Had endoscopy, blood tests, all fine, also chest CT as doctor thought could be lung/chest area related, this was also fine. I don’t know whether back or pancreas would have shown on the ct, that’s my current concern!

07-12-18, 16:12
Oh my goodness! This sounds exactly like what I'm going through right now. My baby is 9 months old and I have wicked pain on my left side up through my back. It almost feels like this stabbing, gnawing pain. My blood tests have all come back clear and right now I'm waiting for an upper GI. It's so awful.....I'm so worried about cancer.

08-12-18, 10:55
Aussie11 - I’m so glad you are still around! This thread has kept me sane for so long and now I’m even more reassured.

I had a regular chest X-ray that came back normal and blood tests including lipase/amylase and autoimmune disorder panels—all normal. It’s even creeping into the right side of my lower ribs now. Doctor diagnosed me with costochondritis, and while I do sometimes get pain in the upper rib area, I primarily have it on the lower sides. Doctor says costochondritis can affect any area where there is rib cartilage. My doctor says to be positive, exercise, drink water, and lose weight. Ugh, I know plenty of fat people who don’t have this, how will it help?

I’m starting to believe I need other scans. I have had a constant nagging ache now for 7 months now! My left side feels completely different from the right. After I had my second baby, I did something to my left side sacro-iliac joint and could barely walk for a month, I’m wondering if that’s what triggered it? I’ve also had on and off constipation since birth, which also concerns me, is it my colon? My ovaries? This is not normal, but it’s not terrible pain so I can live with it but I have this sinking feeling that it’s fatal.

08-12-18, 14:25
So, I've had the left rib pain on and off for at least 5 years. I've had plenty of tests. Nothing was found. My doctor told me that this spot in the body does not really have organs there that would make him worry about it. He said it's almost exclusively related to bathroom issues or trapped gas. It's where the colon bends, so gas tends to get trapped there. I find that mine is bad when I'm not eating well and getting regular exercise.yoga always helps as well, as it "loosens up" both bowels and muscles. If you look up "the hypochondriac region" of the body, it's right where you are decribing. The ancient Greeks even knew about it, lol. Find some good yoga for digestive issues. It's all over YouTube. You have to do this everyday for awhile to see results. My doctor is pretty awesome, and he did all the tests he thought will rule out anything bad. The whole time I was having these tests, he assured me that nothing would be found and he was right. Bestl of luck to you!

14-12-18, 03:32
Imaleopard, I'm still having this off and on for 5 months now. I really haven't found anything that I can link to my better or worse days (diet, exercise, sleep, stress, etc). I was very active, practicing yoga, hiking and jogging before this started. So like you I feel great frustration at not being able to figure it out. I have been going to therapy to deal with my anxiety and feelings about it though. The main helpful thoughts I repeat to myself are that if it were something more serious, it likely would have been found (I did have a variety of tests run months ago when it began) or have gotten worse by now. It's also helpful for me to know others are experiencing the same thing, so thanks for posting. Hang in there!

15-12-18, 00:53
Sometimes it feels like a side stitch, do anyone of you get that?

15-12-18, 22:49
I haven’t had the stitch feeling but that sounds quite muscular to me. It sounds like there are a lot of us that get these left sided rib issues etc. so that should be reassuring to us all! I find it off putting that there’s nothing you read about this type of pain being linked to simple benign issues, but I guess it’s because only the sinister stuff makes a story!

Imaleopard, have you had any Physiotherapy for it?

16-12-18, 00:40
No, just blood tests and chest X-ray. Maybe I should look into that! I tried chiropractor but that did nothing.

18-12-18, 04:10
Yes, sometimes mine feels like a stitch... sometimes like a burning, sometimes aching, sometimes like a sharp sensation and sometimes just weird. Also reviewing the older posts on this thread I seem to be one of the odd ones who has not had a baby/pregnancy, yet still experiencing this. My current theory is it's something (benign) to do with nerves in the area since I also experience kind of a vibrating or tingling feeling in the general vicinity. :shrug:

18-12-18, 07:07
I get the vibrating and giggling sensation too, both under the ribs and around the back, yes does sound like nerves