View Full Version : Day 5mg

30-04-14, 13:21
Hi folks hope you are in a better place,

since yesterday have been starting to dip a bit/ wee bit paranoid about the headaches i get quite frequently since I quit zybzan in Feb. anyhow, keep reading the encouraging posts from Marty, Sarah & all you good guys to keep on keeping on. I was on the treadmill at lunchtime again and was thinking what med next, but im gonna give this a good try on the low and slow approach. I know my anxiety is definitely less its just im a basket case for concentration at moment in office. I know 2 meds back when i was escitalopram i had times in the office where i was engaged and actually enjoying work so i hold onto that actually being a constant with this one. Also, 2.5 yrs ago when i was on citalopram i was actually able to read books in the evening so also holding onto that.

Any feedback is always greatly appreciated.

Peace and serenity,


---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:21 ----------

should say day 7, 5mg

30-04-14, 16:30
Citalopram has worked wonders for me, I cant say im perfect like my old self but my anxiety has greatly reduced in the 5 months or so I have been taking it.

5mg is an extremely low dose, 20mg is the therapeutic dosage.

I've only started to feel generally better for more days in a row since starting 30mg last month.

Things will get much worse before they get better, I suffered a full blown panic attack once and I thought I was going to die this was due to the side effects of citalopram, but it gets better, much better, just keep on and on at it no matter what, it really helps.

I was on amitriptyline before and it didn't do much, citalopram saved me, it was a rough and bumpy and terrifying road, but was worth it, it WILL GET BETTER! :)

I am thinking of increasing to 40mg when I next go to the doctor, this will be my final increase as I believe im finally hitting the tip but it needs some sort of power boost.

01-05-14, 13:59
Well done... remember the "therapeutic dose" is different for eveyone:)

01-05-14, 17:10
Thanks Sarah,

I'm in no hurry to increase to 10 just yet as we move house in 3 weeks.

How are you?


01-05-14, 20:26
I agree with Sarah. Everyone's correct dose is different. They have proven in studies that some people only need 5mg, while others need 40mg. In fact in the study they gave the subjects 5mg of prozac and had a 60% success rate, then gave 20mg of prozac and the success only increased to 68%..So must people did fine on 1/4 of the 'theraputic dose'..Just take your time Paul..I am finally on 9mg and go to 10mg on Sunday and will stay there..However, I have been having a really bad week since I went to 9mg..I don't know if I should cut back or try to hang in there...
I am also wondering if I should of gone on lexapro since I hear it has less side effects...Any input on that??? Thanks, Debbie:yesyes:

01-05-14, 22:59
Thanks Debbie,

I think you've held on this long id give the citalopram another couple weeks. I was on escitalopram for 6 months last year and probably best time was first week on 2 mg. the second day on it it hit me like viagra - i think my wife was impressed by it then:blush:. anyhoo looking back over my journal i was getting horrible head sensations on it. citalopram seems more subtle. im pretty appathetic at work still but at least its given me the nudge to get my ass to the gym each lunch time. also eating a lot healthier.

keep going:hugs:

02-05-14, 16:45
Thanks for the encouragement, Paul..It is just so hard when you are not sure it is going to help,, I wake up with such panic and anxiety..I don't understand why I had about a week that I definitely felt improvement and now, nothing. I am going to try and go to the nursery today, but not feeling very positive about it...You hang in there..Hopefully we will both improve greatly.:yesyes:

02-05-14, 17:18
we'll get through this Debbie:hugs: