View Full Version : depression getting worse

06-12-06, 12:52

my depression is getting worse. got home last night and cried solid for 2 hrs. this morning i did the same. finding it hard to do anything at the moment. my partner thinks its my job, even tho hes is trying his hardest these feelings just arent lifting. i just cant see the point to anything at the moment and have to force myself to do the smallest of tasks. does anyone have any suggestions on what to do please? i also have anxiety which doesnt help any. i am on beta blockers for it but on nothing for my depression.

06-12-06, 13:18

Take Care


06-12-06, 13:20
I'm the same Chez. I'm so depressed I'm suicidl...it came out of nowhere. I'm wondering if it's the time if year with xmas and all. I have no family or friends so am spending it on my own. Wanted to go away but can't as my joint problems are too disabling so I think that's what it is with me. Could it be something similar with you? Just a thought.

06-12-06, 13:26
Hi chez,are you on any meds?It could be the time of year,its very stressful.I would see your gp if you are feeling this low pet.Meds may help,even if its only short term.
take care

Ellen XX

06-12-06, 14:58
Hi Chez
I suffer from anxiety which has led to awful depression, which inturn made the anxiety worse, do see your GP they can help, I've been taking seroxat for 6 weeks and it has lifted the depression, and made the anxiety easier to manage.


06-12-06, 18:59
hi Chez
i know what your going thru im diagnosed with gad and deppression and the 2 of them feed of each other my medication is venflaxine an antidepresant which helps me i also have rieki and reflexology which calms me down and helps me be more positive its hard i know but if you try you will get better
take care mick