View Full Version : Update on dad, update on me

30-04-14, 14:45
So my dad is currently in hospital awaiting surgery to address the small brain bleed that was caught yesterday, during his ct they also noticed that the shunt he has in his head to control his hydrocephalus is failing so they will probably replace that while they are in there. He will have surgery in approx five days because as he is on plavix for the heart attack he suffered in Nov they have to take him off them and wait 5 days for them to be out of his system before surgery as they are blood thinners. There is a small chance he will have a heart attack being off plavix but the risk to his brain outweighs the risk to his heart the docs say.

As for me I hate to say it but I'm a mess my HA is severe not only am I worrying about my heart and sudden cardiac death like usual but all the brain aneurysm/tumour fears I used to deal with are back which is really disappointing. All this while we are coming up on the first anniversary of my father in laws death. I feel horrible having such a severe setback when so many others need me right now

30-04-14, 19:03
You and your Dad are both in my prayers!! Keep us posted!