View Full Version : Question for those with fibromyalgia

Worried 24/7
30-04-14, 17:22
As of the last couple of months I began to have pains in certain areas of my legs. The most common being bilaterally directly under my buttocks and the inner part of my knees. They dont always happen simultaneously. Well today I woke up and my right knee hurt so bad I was hobbling around. Both hurt but the right is worse. I get burning or sharp pains in my buttocks, thighs and calves, and sometimes the inner arch of my feet. Less frequently I get pains in my arms. I have specific sore points at times and other times it's a more widespread pain. It just seems to be getting worse and worse. Now my jaw has been getting this weird aching on each side, but I'm pretty sure I have TMJ, which is also associated with fibro. I feel extremely tired often and I'm just wondering if anyone thinks this could be fibromyalgia? Does it come on so quickly? I have a doctor appointment scheduled but it's not for 2 weeks. I'would rather it be fibro than my other worries that are life threatening..

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

I also have pain when pressed in a lot of the spots considered tender points for fibro

30-04-14, 22:52
Hi. I don't have fibro but my very close friend has just been diagnosed. Her fibro came on one evening at work (we clean) we had been to Zumba in the morning and her chest started hurting and first she thought she had pulled a muscle and we carried on working.

Towards the end of her shift the pain was unbearable and she went home early. When she got home she called the out of hours and they thought she was having a heart attack so they got her to go to a&e, she wasn't and they thought it was just a pulled muscle.

Fast forward 2 weeks she was on holiday and the chest pain came back but it had moved and also her legs had pain.

Dr's thought it was reflux and eventually after about 4 months suffering she got a referral to a rheumatologist who diagnosed fibro. You do sound like my friend but im not a Dr so don't take my word for it, but having seen my friend suffer from the start to her diagnoses I can see similarities x

30-04-14, 23:00
In the words of another member on here, fibro has an almost identical list of symptoms as anxiety, is treated conventionally the same way (SSRIs and CBT), is strongly correlated with anxious feelings and stress, and can't harm you. Make of that what you will.

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 00:28
My leg pains are getting worse and w ose and I'm sooooooo scared it's something really bad:-(

01-05-14, 04:44
As of the last couple of months I began to have pains in certain areas of my legs. The most common being bilaterally directly under my buttocks and the inner part of my knees. They dont always happen simultaneously. Well today I woke up and my right knee hurt so bad I was hobbling around. Both hurt but the right is worse. I get burning or sharp pains in my buttocks, thighs and calves, and sometimes the inner arch of my feet. Less frequently I get pains in my arms. I have specific sore points at times and other times it's a more widespread pain. It just seems to be getting worse and worse. Now my jaw has been getting this weird aching on each side, but I'm pretty sure I have TMJ, which is also associated with fibro. I feel extremely tired often and I'm just wondering if anyone thinks this could be fibromyalgia? Does it come on so quickly? I have a doctor appointment scheduled but it's not for 2 weeks. I'would rather it be fibro than my other worries that are life threatening..

---------- Post added at 21:22 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

I also have pain when pressed in a lot of the spots considered tender points for fibro
Yes to everything... And I know what you mean. I was relieved when my doctor diagnosed me with fibro, because I knew I could live with it.

The only trick (besides figuring out pain and fatigue management) is figuring out when a symptom is caused by fibro or by something else. Sadly, my GP has stereotyped me as a typical fibro patient who makes appointments for symptoms that (in his opinion) are all due to fibro and/or stress and anxiety. BUT I'm fortunate that he orders tests for me anyway, even though his firm belief is that we're just chasing fibro symptoms.

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 19:48
Hi. I don't have fibro but my very close friend has just been diagnosed. Her fibro came on one evening at work (we clean) we had been to Zumba in the morning and her chest started hurting and first she thought she had pulled a muscle and we carried on working.

Towards the end of her shift the pain was unbearable and she went home early. When she got home she called the out of hours and they thought she was having a heart attack so they got her to go to a&e, she wasn't and they thought it was just a pulled muscle.

Fast forward 2 weeks she was on holiday and the chest pain came back but it had moved and also her legs had pain.

Dr's thought it was reflux and eventually after about 4 months suffering she got a referral to a rheumatologist who diagnosed fibro. You do sound like my friend but im not a Dr so don't take my word for it, but having seen my friend suffer from the start to her diagnoses I can see similarities x

What did her pain feel like? I'm so scared today :-( my legs feel like arthritis convinced with pulled muscles all over, even the inner arch of my feet are getting sporadic pains :-(

01-05-14, 20:03
What did her pain feel like? I'm so scared today :-( my legs feel like arthritis convinced with pulled muscles all over, even the inner arch of my feet are getting sporadic pains :-(

Hey W24/7...

Just a few days ago you were petrified you had herpes. You don't do you? ;)
Read your question above. How can someone describe another's pain? I can't even accurately describe the pain I had through my cancer ordeal. Can a woman really describe childbirth? It's an individual experience.

Just based on what I know, it's doubtful you have this. I'm not a doctor but just using common sense. Anxiety causes real physical symptoms. I know! I experienced it 1st hand. The difference is I recognized it for what it is.

My ex has this. It didn't suddenly come on and she had other physical and mental issues that are associated with it (hypothyroidism and SDD). When you have your doctor's appointment, why don't you print out some of your posts and speak to him about your fears. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 20:13
I just want to not be in pain anymore. It just keeps getting worse and worse and I don't know how to wait two more weeks. All I want to do is lay on the couch and cry all day. I'm so sure it's something fatal and I can't stop thinking I'm dying and I can't take it anymore. I don't wanna be in pain anymore... I just want to feel normal again. I feel so alone and terrified constantly. I feel like every part of my body is in pain and all my lymph nodes seem swollen and/or painful. This all started after kissing my friend on the mouth and I don't know if I'm mentally causing all these symptoms due to being so insanely worried constantly that she unknowingly gave me something or if she really did. I feel like my body and mind are their own being and I'm just helplessly standing by crying.. I just don't know how to get through this anymore. I have a new symptom almost every day.

01-05-14, 20:48
Listen Ok?.... Take a deep breath and keep in mind you're posting on an anxiety forum, so somewhere deep down beyond your fear and symptoms, you know what's going on. The key here is to find a way to get a handle on it right? At the moment, you may not be in the right frame of mind to hear it, but you can get through and heal. There's a free CBT program here that is wonderful. I used it to help with some depression and my "scanxiety".

Here's the link http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665

At least sign up and download it. When you're up to it, start reading through it. It may not all apply but at least it's a start in the right direction. Do what I said and print out some of your posts. Show them to your doctor. Ask for help in dealing with your feelings, emotions and fears. It's Ok to do that. I did!

One more thing... In the time I've been on the boards, I've not seen one instance where someone's worst fears became reality.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 21:31
Thank you fishmanpa... sometimes my first reaction to your comments is anger because you get right to the point. But once I calm down, I realize you are trying to helpand I'm just in a bad state of mind. I appreciate your advice. If someone who has been through what you have can be so positive, that gives me hope.

02-05-14, 00:13
Thank you fishmanpa... sometimes my first reaction to your comments is anger because you get right to the point. But once I calm down, I realize you are trying to helpand I'm just in a bad state of mind. I appreciate your advice. If someone who has been through what you have can be so positive, that gives me hope.

I call it a "cyber slap" ;) ... I'm just pointing out the obvious because, due to where your head is at, you're just not seeing it. I've seen it many, many times here. You'll get there and learn how to tame the Dragon. You just need some tools in your toolbox.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
02-05-14, 01:39
I just keep cycling from one disease to the next, POSITIVE I have it. I just can't come up with a reasonable answer for all these pains. So I end up convinced I'm dying.

03-05-14, 03:25
Sometimes the answer is anxiety. In my case, the answer (for *some* symptoms, if not all) was fibro. In either case, the main goal is reaching the point where we have a solid explanation for our symptoms, which puts our fears to rest. I felt at peace when I was diagnosed with fibro, because I now knew why things were hurting so much. And, more recently, I've been feeling more and more peace as I realize that each added symptom is caused by anxiety.

Whatever the case may be for you, Worried 24/7, I'm pretty sure there's an end in sight to your anxiety. :)