View Full Version : Anyone Else with ALS Fears?

30-04-14, 18:37
I have tingling, and shakiness and muscle twitches all over, first my calf, my forearm, my thight, i was googling and heard that people do that with anxiety, the muscle twitches. Anyone else do that? randomly all over? I wasn't doing that a month ago, but my anxiety was just starting,
also, the dr told me on Monday i have muscle weakness in my left arm, and no bicep reflex? what does that mean? I mean, i feel weak, because i cant' sleep, i hardley eat,when i pushed back on the drs arms, the left one shook a little, but what does it all mean? Unfortunatly i looked up the stupid symptoms, and now i think i have that, first it was MS and then other stuff, what is wrong with me? I can't stop worrying, i didn't sleep well last night with 1 mg ativan, the dr prescribed ambian cr which will keep me asleep, but i am afraid to take it? what do i do?

30-04-14, 18:47
ALS, MS and Cancer seem to be the big three around here. You're certainly not alone. A quick search will attest to that....

Positive thoughts

30-04-14, 19:39
Most if us have ALS fears. Widespread twitching is caused by a condition called BFS which is usually caused by anxiety. Anxiety can also cause tingling. I have no reflexes anywhere. You are fine.

30-04-14, 21:35
Tingling is never a symptom of ALS.

Shakiness is never a symptom of ALS.

Muscle twitches are a symptom of ALS, but they come after the weakness and are localised to one area. Muscle twitches all over are never a symptom of ALS.

With respect to the muscle weakness your doctor found, if he was worried about its causality he would have acted immediately. There are many boring, benign and common causes of weakness. I occasionally lose finger dexterity (this was one of the things that kicked off my living hell) but this has recently been diagnosed as a pinched nerve in my cervical spine. This was caused by muscle tension in my neck, caused by - you guessed it - anxiety. :)

01-05-14, 00:29
Well I was going to have an EMG for the tingling in my leg which two doctors said was sciatica, so now he wants it on all four limbs! Scared to death about it. But I try to tell myself that because I've caught myself doin it, that I am tensing that arm, like when you find yourself scrunching your shoulders when tense, maybe, I just don't know anymore, why is all this happening? I literally can't take anymore, it's something new every day. I just want it all to stop

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 01:45
It's something new for me daily as well. I understand totally. It's so mentally exhausting.

05-05-14, 08:58
The same here. Muscle twitche all over my body, temporary weakness in feet or arm... loss of dexterity, myclonic jerking, shakines... I have had all off them. As I write I feel my upper lip somehow strange... ALS fear has ruined my last few months. I went to see a neuro and told me everything was benign but still having a hard time to believe :-(.

05-05-14, 15:14
I think most of us have had the ms / ALS fear I was terrible literally couldn't get out of bed I was convinced I was dying , my parents were so concerned they were going to send me for a private scan , I was twitching all over little pops here and there , I would do all sorts of self strength tests and balance tests , standing on one leg and hopping around, trying to walk in a straight line , to name but a few , I even brought a bikini went on holiday and noticed the label had ALS in it !!! Well that was a sign I would not wear it again , ALS does not have any sensory issues tingling etc... And the twitching always comes right at the end , so if you can open bottles and turn keys etc.... You do not have it , and ms starts with something like a leg not work, or your eye sight would go , if your doctor was worried you'd be in ASAP for tests , take care and realise you are not alone , there is a great thread on here by somebody called itoldyouiwasill have a read it's excellent

13-06-14, 14:44
I had my test on the legs it didn't go well something the doctor said you can read on my recent post about elektromyography, not in a good place right now, I am freaking out and really scared.

13-06-14, 14:57
As far as I can see your test went fine..? They mentioned something about demyelination, you heard the word and panicked, and the nurse said "don't worry you don't have that".

13-06-14, 15:38
She said she the doctor wanted her to learn, so did he do the other or extra nerve test just to teach her something? He did say that the results were slow? Just borderline slow? And he said either okay, fine, or normal, then why did he do the extra nerve test?it's where they send progressively stronger electric impulses, was he using me as a guinea pig then, was it needed? I was so panicked that I can't really remember accurately. So was it normal? All I know is he was trying to reassure me and when I asked her what demylination was she said "oh you don't have that". Am I worrying over nothing?

14-06-14, 19:06
Am I worrying over nothing?

I asked her what demylination was she said "oh you don't have that".

There you go....

Positive thoughts