View Full Version : I went to the hospital but didnt have my endoscopy...

30-04-14, 18:59
I was a gibbering wreck and it has now been re-booked. However I did chat with the lady who was going to carry out my procedure and she asked me lots of questions and said "I don't think we are going to find the answer"

Where do I go from here now then?

01-05-14, 16:13
I'm sorry you didn't get any answers. Was this a stomach endoscopy? I actually had one a couple of days ago because my digestion wasn't right for months and they found my stomach full of acid.

Did the technician explain why they didn't think anything was going to be figured out? I was a wreck like you just before the procedure and they actually delayed it because my blood pressure was elevated until I laid down. I don't think I was actually scared of something happening, just that my body automatically reacts to being in a hospital after staying overnight a few years ago. I absolutely hate those places, I equate it with being ill instead of a place where you're made well.

The procedure itself wasn't bad, just unpleasant when you're first in the room and they get you ready to be put under. But I saw on the monitor that my heart rate was down to 90/70 when in the recovery room. And apparently I spoke to the doctor in recovery while still under sedation. :unsure: