View Full Version : bad news = terrible day

30-04-14, 19:09
just had a messag today to say a good friend in th uk had 2 heart attcks last month only age 45

obv this has sent me into severe panic today and only just got round to writing here

dont no any more info re background history but im awful again

30-04-14, 19:18
Aw, hunni, sorry to hear this! Hopefully there will be better news re: your friend soon. Meanwhile, all you can do is to take care of yourself, right? Practice those things that make you better. :hugs:

30-04-14, 19:23
thanks hun, im trying but i have heart anxiety and worry now as last ecg was sept 2010 and panicicking im next

i know im prob being silly but i just cant think straight

my friend is phoning me at the weekend so that will hopefully put my mind at rest

07-05-14, 13:24
Hey my name is Joseph
I agree with the above comments because same is the situation with me whenever i receive any bad news i usually experience the problem of severe panic attacks whenever i heard any bad news especially related to my family problems. Now i dont know how to solve this problem

---------- Post added at 12:24 ---------- Previous post was at 12:22 ----------

I really wanted to treat my disease because my life is getting worse day by day. In the beginning I used to panic on big issues but now my this disease is getting more severe and now i panic for small situations or issues as well so my disease of panic attack is getting worse