View Full Version : Dentists tomorrow

30-04-14, 19:46
I have had quite a traumatic experience at the dentists in the past but I now have a lovely new dentist who is qualified in dealing with anxiety. I have seen him a couple of times now and he is really good at making me feel at ease. So...why I am getting into a panic tonight? One of my fillings has come out and I am sure he is going to say I need the tooth removed instead of refilling it. He sedates me for any treatment but I am still panicking! I feel so sick and anxious tonight and I am sure it is because of the dentist appointment and I have to wait until 1:50!!!

30-04-14, 20:41
Hi Annie

Oh bless ya, sending you BIG hugs!!

Yep, defo the thoughts of Dentist making you feel like that hun:(

He sounds a great Dentist, you will be fine Annie, this time tomorrow night it will be all over with.

Jackie x

30-04-14, 20:44
Thank you Jackie, this anticipatory anxiety is so awful. I am trying so hard to reassure myself but it is just not working :( He usually gives me the first appointment on a morning but tomorrow afternoon was the earliest this week. He said I am the most anxious patient he has ever had!

30-04-14, 21:19
Pah ! It will be a quick filling ! You'll just sit down in his chair and he'll say "ok that's all finished. See you next time"
You'll be thinking "is that it. I was looking forward to a couple of mins sit down. What a Scrooge "

30-04-14, 21:45
:D I hope you are right Oosh. When he filled it last time though he said if it drops out we may need to remove the tooth. I know if it needs to come out he won't do it tomorrow, I will have to go back next week to get it out. I think I will plead with him to refill it though. He always has the nurse ready with the needle if I start to get really anxious :D Knock her out quick!! :D

---------- Post added at 21:45 ---------- Previous post was at 21:32 ----------

I was sedated for my last filling but if I can have it filled I want to try without sedation.

30-04-14, 21:54
I've sat unsedated through any fillings I've had and they were all easy, just mildly annoying, never painful. You'll breeze through it.

30-04-14, 22:00
I've sat unsedated through any fillings I've had and they were all easy, just mildly annoying, never painful. You'll breeze through it.
I used to be fine but I had problems with an extraction once. After 1 hour of pulling, cutting my gums and bone, the tooth wasn't out so I was stitched and referred to the hospital. I was given General Anaesthetic but woke up while I was still in the theatre and in a lot of pain with him still pulling the tooth. Since then I panic even for a check up :(

01-05-14, 20:27
How'd u get on? I missed your posts last nite otherwise I'd have been helping keep u calm

01-05-14, 20:38
Annie hope your okay ,im the same I get all worked up and I dont no why because my dentist is lovely aswell its just they way we are I suppose ,hope you are okay xx

01-05-14, 20:44
Well of course everything went fine today and the filling hadn't even come out! The gap I could feel was because the tooth next to it had moved a bit :doh: The dentist was as usual lovely and calmed me down. He filed the tooth a little and explained everything he was doing and how it would feel.
I was awake most of last night though as the anxiousness set off my ibs and I had awful tummy cramps. I was soaking in the bath at 4am!