View Full Version : convinced iv got pancreatic cancer.

30-04-14, 20:04
Oh boy...:( I have so many symptoms. Iv got excruciating pain in my upper right back, quite far over to the right a few inches under my arm. Iv also got pain right between my should blades. Last night iwoke up drenced in sweat, everything was soaked, I'm so scared :'( been to the gp 6 times now...they say my blood test was normal..but I know fine that a routine blood test doesn't actually detect all that much...and doesn't detect cancer.
I found a painful lump in my mid abdomen today as well.
Going back to the Dr tomorrow but I'm sure I'll just get the usual 'its anxiety' diagnosiscoz they can't be bothered doing their job properly!

30-04-14, 20:17
Oh boy...:( I have so many symptoms. Iv got excruciating pain in my upper right back, quite far over to the right a few inches under my arm. Iv also got pain right between my should blades. Last night iwoke up drenced in sweat, everything was soaked, I'm so scared :'( been to the gp 6 times now...they say my blood test was normal..but I know fine that a routine blood test doesn't actually detect all that much...and doesn't detect cancer.
I found a painful lump in my mid abdomen today as well.
Going back to the Dr tomorrow but I'm sure I'll just get the usual 'its anxiety' diagnosiscoz they can't be bothered doing their job properly!

Actually, routine blood work will show certain markers that warrant further investigation. In 6 visits, if the GP felt there was something sinister going on, you would have been referred. In today's world, they can't afford to miss something like this for fear of a law suit.

Good luck and positive thoughts

01-05-14, 22:34
You feeling any better katie?

02-05-14, 18:59
No :(
Iv been waking up in the night sweating, and I feel really thirsty all the time...so I'm thinking iv got diabetes caused by pancreatic cancer.
Iv got pains in my upper back, no appetite, weight loss.
The doctors just say its anxiety without even testing for anything serious. The more I go back the more they just see that as anxiety...
I really don't think it is this time! :(

03-05-14, 00:38
Hi Katie.

I'm currently having very similar symptoms. It could be muscular pain in your back. I too am trying very hard to convince myself I don't have pancreatic cancer and the good people here do talk a lot of sense. I think that anxiety/stress, especially chronic, ongoing cases can take all sorts of subtle tolls on our bodies that we mistake for other things...if only I could take my own advice!!

For what it's worth, I've been having a few hot baths and laying on the floor to try and relax the muscles in my back...perhaps something similar might help you in the short term?

Again, if it helps, when my anxiety is at it's most fervent, my appetite goes right out the window.

I hope you feel better soon,



Worried 24/7
03-05-14, 00:56
Wouldn't it be nice to take our own advice??? It's so much easier to be logical with someone else.....

03-05-14, 01:51
Hi Katie

Fishmanpa knows his stuff when it comes to the big C unfortunately, I've read numerous posts by him and admire his positivtey and outlook after such trauma, no disrespect to anyone else all of us have our own traumatic experiences and I'll share mine about the pancreas.

I was 19 and went to my bed with a sore stomach fell asleep for 2 hours and woke up vomiting rings round myself the pain wasn't even on a scale of 1to10 it had sky rocketed beyond belief, stomach was distended like I was a 9 month pregnant female, i couldn't even put my heels on the ground had to stay on my toes my sister was holding my hand as I defecated from the mouth!! I was rushed in a blue lit ambulance and morphined up to the eye balls, 3 weeks I spent in hospital and I have never in my life felt pain like that.

I'm 31 now and that will forever stay fresh in my mind, blood work would definitely point out to the doc if their was anything wrong with your pancreas.

I had a similar incident at 25 pain radiating through my back in abdomen and because of my previous the hospital wanted me at a&e quick shift, blood work was done all normal I was still in agony and the doctor said from my x-ray she had never seen anyone in her medical career that was as full of trapped wind as I was so after a losec iv I was left in a room to fart the wind away, the consultant was dumbfounded at how much air was trapped, she told me I had done the right thing in coming to a&e but also said it was brought on by anxiety, panic, stress etc.

It's very alarming but I hope my story has reassured you Katie

Try the warm bath, are you on omeprazole??

Hope you get it sorted.

I honestly don't mean any disrespect to anyone please don't take me the wrong way plz.

Take care


---------- Post added at 01:51 ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 ----------

I couldn't agree more worried24/7 about the own advice but we can be here for each other and share our experience with this anxiety aka (Beast)

Petesy :-)

03-05-14, 01:52
I'm awake again. Woke up in another night sweat, sheets soaked, felt really sick. Ran to bathroom felt so so sick. Curled up in a ball shouting for my mum. Felt better after that and now I'm back in bed, just shaking and feeling really thirsty and scared :'(

03-05-14, 02:08
I'm sorry Dan, krystal, & worried 24/7

I've read that back and I didn't mean to come across as if your advice or reassurance wasn't good enough I apologise I really do :$


---------- Post added at 02:08 ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 ----------

Katie I'm here

Make sure you rehydrate, if you're still feeling sick then sip at the water not gulps, i hate being or feeling sick it has me thinking I'm choking to death I always need someone to be there with me but don't get me wrong I've been on my own when it's happened also..... I've had the sheets ringing wet with sweat actually thought I'd wee'd the bed sometimes it was that bad.

Have you started medication??

Petesy :hugs:

03-05-14, 02:48
Started medication 2 days ago for anxiety.

I know this is such a typical thing for some with with HA to say, but I really do not think its anxiety. I have never felt so ill and iv never woke up in sweats like this before :( I'm so scared...

03-05-14, 03:12
I'm sorry about this stressful time you're going through, Katie. I wonder, for your own peace of mind, are you getting second and third opinions? In other words, are you seeing the same doctor, or trying new ones each time you get checked out?

And have you considered seeing a homeopathic or naturopathic doctor? To find one of those, it's better to have a solid word-of-mouth recommendation. My family was blessed to find a homeopathic doctor who saved my Grandma's life, while her doctors remain baffled that she recovered without taking their treatment. BUT one thing to keep in mind is that for every legit/competent 'alternative' practitioner, there are probably 10 shady or inexperienced ones to avoid. At any rate, I thought I'd go out on a limb and offer this suggestion in case it brings you some comfort to explore other options, in addition to regular medicine.

03-05-14, 03:29
I understand Katie I was posting a thread lastnight and my god I was in a full blown panic attack and no one replied till the nxt day, i was angry about it but it was the early hours,

I have said to doctors you're missing out something on numerous occasions, he put me on buspirone and it turned me upside down room spinning, actually lying on the floor, hallucinations, soaking with sweat and the rest, I put up with that for a week n a half and had to come off the meds, i'm currently on diazepam because i'm that bad with my HA, I had never been like that before.

I must drive my mother crazy with constant phone calls asking her if i'm going to be ok, my mother has conquered her anxiety after 20 yrs of it ruling her life now I'm the one calling out for her instead of the other way around.

Is it SSRI's you've been prescribed? they take a while to get into your system before you feel the benefits.

I really feel for you Katie I've been there and still am since 18 yrs old now I'm 31 I've heard ppl say it'll get easier but it's different for each individual.


03-05-14, 07:38
I woke up again in the night and started throwing up...nothing really came up coz iv eaten so little recently. I called for my mum in tears and she came and gave me a cuddle and tried to calm me down. My mum thinks I have adjustment disorder caused by the break down of my 4 year relationship.
I managed to calm down a bit, and have had a bowl of cereal and don't feel sick anymore. I'm seriously tired though and my dad is taking me canoeing today.
I just can't stop my legs from trembling!

03-05-14, 08:11
I woke up again in the night and started throwing up...nothing really came up coz iv eaten so little recently. I called for my mum in tears and she came and gave me a cuddle and tried to calm me down. My mum thinks I have adjustment disorder caused by the break down of my 4 year relationship.
I managed to calm down a bit, and have had a bowl of cereal and don't feel sick anymore. I'm seriously tired though and my dad is taking me canoeing today.
I just can't stop my legs from trembling!

Hope you manage to enjoy the canoeing :bighug1:

03-05-14, 08:17
I can completely understand how you feel at the moment. I've got same fear about pancreas and feel like the doctors are missing something. I know I have anxiety, have had health anxiety for years but its worse now since having baby and got post natal depression after that too. Everyone tells me its anxiety causing my symptoms, but in true anxiety fashion I think yes it probably is, but what if its not and I go for longer undiagnosed? I feel like they're not taking into account all my symptoms together, like individually yes could be anxiety but can it really all sound exactly like pancreas? Like you I've worked myself up into a frenzy over this, so I don't have any words of wisdom but just wanted to say you're not alone in this fear. I hope the anxiety meds work for you soon and that the pains go away so that you can move on from this. I still need to go on meds myself, as I don't see any other way out at this stage if this is all caused by anxiety.

03-05-14, 17:41
[QUOTE=Petesy;1312095]I'm sorry Dan, krystal, & worried 24/7

I've read that back and I didn't mean to come across as if your advice or reassurance wasn't good enough I apologise I really do :$


Didn't even consider it for a second :)

03-05-14, 22:09
Apart from capsizing it was good.

Havug a tough time of this tonight though. Been feeling this niggling pain in my back still. Started on Tuesday and was really bad pain be!ow my right shoulder blade affecting all the muscle around it and up into my shoulder. It hurt to do anything with my right side. The majority of the pain has gone, but the intense part hasn't. Its this constant niggling pain that I can feel and when I press hard on a particular area its really really painful!!!
My mum keeps saying it will be muscular, but its not pain in my muscles, its when I press on the bone that it hurts, so its either my bones or sometning going on underneath, and its constantly there. :(

03-05-14, 22:14
Just know that if it were sinister, the "majority of the pain" wouldn't be gone.

Hope the water was warm!

Positive thoughts

04-05-14, 06:43
Hi Katie,

Hope you're feeling better. The back pain could be a pulled ligament or tendon where all the various muscles and bones hook up with each other. A sudden movement combined with a muscle cramp can do this. If so, it should heal in time.

The night sweats - I've had them come and go without explanation. Not pleasant, but never the start of anything more serious.

Good luck.

04-05-14, 07:32
Thanks everyone. I'm struggling to be honest, especially at nights and in the mornings.
My back pain is still there and has spread to other areas - mid back, left kidney, front ribs.
Iv got such a dry mouth all the time as well. It doesn't matter how much I drink my mouth just feels pasty and dry all the time, the front of my tongue looks a bit white as well. When I sleep at night I wake up in a sweat a couple hours after sleeping. Only my chest and neck though, everywhere is is fine.
I'm terrified to sleep because 1. I'm alone with my thoughts 2. I wake up sweating/ dry heaving/ feeling sick and 3. I usually have a symptom I didn't have the previous day.
This is ruining mg life, because I just can't shake the feeling that it is serious.
I'm so tired, had another awful night of constant waking up in fear. I havnt slept properly for a While :(

---------- Post added at 07:32 ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 ----------

Another thing....every time I go for a wee, its really cloudy looking! I think I had a bit of a uti on sunday last week, coz it stung a bit for a few days, but that was gone by Wednesday, the ckoudyness is still there though...I'm drinking heaps coz of my dry mouth so going to the loo quite a lot, but it doesn't make any difference :(

My stomach has been making gurgling/digestive noises for a few hours as well...doesn't sound like anything to be alarmed about I know. But when I'm worried its my pancreas..its all adding up. Oh I'm such a mess!

19-05-14, 01:08
I have this dull pain between my shoulder blades for about 2 months now. I am 47 years old and overall healthy. Had colonoscopy about a year ago and found out that I have ulcerative colitis. The pain gets better at night and comes back by mid morning. I have no other pain or symptoms except my colon problems with stool from time to time... I exercise regularly and am pretty healthy overall. Pain has been more persistant lately and a bit stronger. Before it would go and come back during the day.. I ran a marathon about month ago and pain acctually went away during the race.. I am really afraid this could be pancreatic cancer..I dont wanna be late because I know it is discover usually too late.
I have had "most" of the cancers so far..This is the one of the rare that was left..Hopefully I will survive this one too..I wish you the same..It is amazing what our minds can produce and create!

19-05-14, 15:42
My gp has lost my blood. Had it done on wed and still no result. Have to wait for the dr to phone tomorrow to see if I need my blood taken again.

20-05-14, 20:38
All your symptoms sound like anxiety. The excruciating back pain which radiates to your chest, arms, stomach etc are all from anxiety and stress. The more you focus on your symptoms the worse they'll get. Either that or your muscles are really tense.

I don't mean to sound harsh but I believe you posted a similar post a couple of months back and if you really had pancreatic cancer, you would either be bed ridden by now or dead.

You have seen 6 doctors now and they've all given you the all clear, apart from the doctor suggesting a blood test, which he's probably doing to keep your mind at rest. Doctors see people with anxiety everyday and they see people with cancer everyday, I think it's rare for them not to notice the signs in each illness.

29-05-14, 22:36
I am bed ridden. I wake up paralised every day, it takes a while to grt any feeling back in my body. I have a lot of pain in my neck, back, legs, arms. My hands go numb a lot and I get a lot of electric shock type pains in my arms.
The Dr didn't bother redoing the blood test she lost.
I give up.