View Full Version : Two lumps in neck

30-04-14, 21:32
One is pea sized, about half way down the left side of my neck, and one is about an inch lower and really tiny, maybe the size of a piece of short grain rice. I got the larger one assessed by a dr, and they are sending me for a biopsy, and I found the smaller one after my appointment. I was less worried when I thought it was only a single pea sized lump, but now it's two I just can't help but "know" that I'm going to find out it is something terrible.

Anyone got any reassuring stories.

30-04-14, 23:10
i,ve got 1 behind my ear but i,ve had/got ear infec. but im frightend

01-05-14, 00:44
I'm curious as to why the biopsy? Have you had it for a while? Taken a couple of rounds of antibiotics and it's still unresolved? Are they doing a FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) or actually going in to take it out? Are there other factors the doctor is considering? Are you a smoker? Drinker? age 40+ Been tested for HPV?.... just curious

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 01:33
Yeah, I'm curious too.....I have the same thing which is swollen lymph nodes and many doctors have felt then and not been worried. is there more to the story?

01-05-14, 04:52
I've had the larger one a couple of months. I don't know what kind of biopsy - I think they are removing it. I'm female, never smoker, 36. No HPV, antibiotics didn't resolve it. That's all I've got. Of course, the fact she thought it worthy enough to send me to the surgeon increases my worry about it. I've not had any illness recently to explain swollen lymph nodes, although I've notices my asthma has gotten noticeably worse in the past month.

01-05-14, 06:48
Well, under 40, non smoker, non HPV bodes quite well and it hasn't increased in size nor have any other symptoms appeared. Allergy season is in full swing here in the States so that would be a logical explanation for your asthma kicking up and even for a reactive node. Sounds like your doctor is being cautious.

Positive thoughts

Worried 24/7
01-05-14, 16:49
My doctor told me that mine might be up all the time because I have sinus issues constantly and that it can take months to go down after the problem causing it is resolved

01-05-14, 18:16
Thank you all for your kind reassurances. It really helps to ease my mind. I will let you all know how it goes with the surgeon.

02-05-14, 21:10
Well, the surgeon didn't biopsy me today, he felt the two nodes and said he was sure they are swollen nodes and that they are either likely to be the result of some unknown infection or cancer - he would guess at skin cancer. I have a biopsy under general anesthetic next Thursday. I really could use positive vibes right now. I am beside my self with fear right now.

02-05-14, 21:34
Waiting sucks... I know, I've been there. I'm a survivor of stage IV head and neck cancer so I understand your fear. One thing about a good surgeon is they don't pull any punches. Sounds like you have a good one.

One of the most common sayings on the cancer boards I'm part of is "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer." Hold onto that until you hear otherwise Ok?

Positive thoughts

02-05-14, 21:39
Waiting sucks... I know, I've been there. I'm a survivor of stage IV head and neck cancer so I understand your fear. One thing about a good surgeon is they don't pull any punches. Sounds like you have a good one.

One of the most common sayings on the cancer boards I'm part of is "It's not cancer until they say it's cancer." Hold onto that until you hear otherwise Ok?

Positive thoughts

Thank you. I really need as many positive thoughts as I can get. Sometimes I wish I were religious, because then I would have that to hold on to. You are very inspirational, coming on here after suffering from such a terrible disease.

04-05-14, 00:51
A third small swelling appeared today, immediately below the original pea sized lump. I really can't help but panic. I have been doing great all day, keeping myself busy, but now I sit down to relax, I am just worried again. I really need to find a way to keep my brain occupied until I have an answer to all this.