View Full Version : Hi :-)

30-04-14, 21:45
Well, am I glad to find this site. I develops anxiety not long after my DD was born six years a to. Then four years ago I got pregnant with my son and during that pregnancy my anxiety got out of control. Everything makes me anxious - I spent time in DC and was scared of bombs in the metro, nuclear attacks on the government while I was there, I'm scared of drought (I'm in colorado) and war. I'm scared of the end of the world and Armageddon. Oh, and airplanes - I cry from take off to landing but unfortunately travel is a large part of my life. All this sounds hilarious when it's all written down like this, but I have to live with it day in and day out, whilst also functioning like a regular human being and raising my kids. Worst of all is my health anxiety. I over analyze EVERY lump, bump, pain, rash, itch, etc, and convince myself I am going to die. I panic about what will happen to my kids when I die and think about how they will have to wake up every morning and I won't be there. I have been to the ER for chest pains/suspected heart attack, which my therapist told me is very common in anxiety patients. I found that strangely reassuring.

In the course of this I have found that I am both dairy and gluten intolerant, and removing them from my body has helped a lot with depression and some of the symptoms I over analysed (I have been tested for MS many times now but going gluten free reduced or eliminated almost all symptoms), so that's something. I also tried CBT but due to the circumstances of my life (no family nearby and a husband who works out of town) it got impossible to keep going to regular appointments. It really doesn't help if you have to wait a couple of months between sessions.

Only my closest friends and husband know about this - none of my family or more casual friends have a clue, so I think I'm doing a great job of pretending I'm ok, but it kind of makes it more isolating, pretending to be well when most of the time I wish I could just crawl into bed and stay there forever.

30-04-14, 22:54
So sorry you are having to deal with anxiety and you are having to do it in a strange country away from family as well I think looking at your name,it to me has to be the hardest disease to deal with as its mostly invicible unlike a broken leg which every one can see you are struggling to understand what your going through and offer assistance, anxiety we try to hide as I think we are slightly ashamed to admit to mental health issues, we shouldn't be but people are still judgemental about It because the don't understand It.
The good thing is we for the most part feel the same physically and mentally.