View Full Version : Possible to have cancer with normal bloodwork?

30-04-14, 22:18
So I googled. Yeah I know, bad idea. But cancer has been on my mind lately. I'm 28 years old but I feel 80. I know I must be dying.

So on the topic of bloodwork and the results... Just recently had bloodwork done and everything came back fine. Now anytime I'm searching for answers, like alot of people I google symptoms. This time I google normal bloodwork and cancer hoping for some positive results. Dr google tells me bloodwork doesnt detect the vast majority of cancers. So now I freak out. Thanks google.

In an effort to ease my mind, does anyone have some insight on if routine bloodwork would actually show any evidence of cancer if you had it? Surely something would be off?

30-04-14, 22:21
Blood results would be unlikely to be normal if cancer cells were present. If your doctor thought that cancer was a possibility he would have done relevant tests.

30-04-14, 23:01
I suppose it depends which cancer you think you have, notice I said think,your Dr would have done further tests I would have thought if he remotely thought you had It .

30-04-14, 23:07
A nurse once gave me these words of wisdom. In today's suing culture doctors test for everything they think there's even the remotest possibility of. If they got something major wrong there's major comebacks. If they don't think cancer is worth pursuing, then it really isn't worth pursuing. :)

01-05-14, 00:15
Thanks for the responses guys. It's reassuring to hear that in all likelihood I don't have anything to worry about with normal blood results. I appreciate it

01-05-14, 01:01
So I googled. Yeah I know, bad idea. But cancer has been on my mind lately. I'm 28 years old but I feel 80. I know I must be dying.

So on the topic of bloodwork and the results... Just recently had bloodwork done and everything came back fine. Now anytime I'm searching for answers, like alot of people I google symptoms. This time I google normal bloodwork and cancer hoping for some positive results. Dr google tells me bloodwork doesnt detect the vast majority of cancers. So now I freak out. Thanks google.

In an effort to ease my mind, does anyone have some insight on if routine bloodwork would actually show any evidence of cancer if you had it? Surely something would be off?

You are dying. We all are. :)

Regarding your question, blood work can detect certain abnormalities, and routine blood test can easily detect cancers of blood, like leukemia, but otherwise no. But you don't have to worry about that, since you don't have cancer, but hypochondria.

01-05-14, 02:06
My doctor told me that blood will reveal if there is a problem. White count would most likely be raised. Stay off google it's terrible!

01-05-14, 15:38
Thanks RoseEve, I appreciate your input. I'll try and stay away from google lol.