View Full Version : scared about holiday

30-04-14, 22:35
Ive been really looki g forward to a break away so I booked a holiday and my fsmily are coming along too...

Now its confirmed im all edgy over it!!!

Im anxious and I havent felt anxious for a few days, ive been feeling quite good.. so im kinda confussed as to why!!

New places, new faces maybe and the fact that ill be out of my comfort zone wont help I guess..

Grr..... give me a bloody break!!!

30-04-14, 22:55
Haha I know what you mean. I've got fixated with worrying about becoming seriously ill at forty thousand feet. I'm a right plonker sometimes haha.

I've resolved to endure the flight using the free booze they ply you with upon boarding, in-flight entertainment and a good book for the twelve hours I'll be in the air, then spending the ensuing month floating on my back in the warm waters without a care in the world. If that doesn't fix me nothing will!