View Full Version : Please help really need advice about my medication.

30-04-14, 23:28
have been on Sertraline about 10 weeks and I feel my anxiety is heightened some what, but it has helped in other way, I have stopped drinking so much and going the gym more, I was on Citalopram and it did helped me to the point I stopped taking it but I did come of them gradually and my anxiety returned please any advice, I know people will say talk to my doctor but my doctor is like what do you think what you should take, or I don't know whether to ask for escitalopram, any advice I would really be grateful.

16-05-14, 00:44
You may see some benefit by increasing your dose of sertraline. Also, since you have had issues with two SSRIs, you could try switching to another class of drugs, such as an SNRI (like venlafaxine).

I would quiz your doctor a little bit more if you can, and try to discuss the pros and cons of different meds with them. They should offer you advice and some insights, and if not try another doctor.