View Full Version : Anxiety & Alcohol

01-05-14, 13:27
Where to start...

I've just came back from a stag party where unfortunately drinking was the main game.

Ever since coming back i've had both buzzing and what feels like muscle cramps in my legs and arms, hands and feet, it feels as though I don't have the power to do anything. My hands feel clumsy and my legs as though everytime I stand I may keel over.

This has lead me on to google to see if I have done permanent damage to my nerves.... and as always I've found the worst possible answer I fear I may now have to live with this for the rest of my life...

half of me believes it maybe down to anxiety but...

01-05-14, 13:33
Nah....you'll be Ok and things will settle down. You nailed it in your post title. "Anxiety & Alcohol" don't mix... Simple as that.

Positive thoughts

01-05-14, 13:36

I dont think youve done permanent damage to nerves. More like youre body is detoxing.
Drink plenty of water and eat.

Your body will have a good clean out and youll be back to normal in no time.

If drinking gave you permanent nerve damage id be a pile of goo on the floor by now.

01-05-14, 13:53
Just sounds like a bad hangover to me.
Will you learn your lesson?:lac: :D
Take it easy for a bit,and drinks loads of fluids.

01-05-14, 14:06
yeah it's now on to its third day of a hangover. I should really have learned by now.

The more i worry the more it'll stay i guess.

01-05-14, 18:21
Hi! After a night of drinking I would always end up with a terrible hangover which led to many unwanted panic attacks. I have health anxiety and gad and one thing that helped is the website anxiety centre.com. It posts symptoms of anxiety and I would relax once I realized the symptoms were from anxiety rather than a serious health issue. Everyone is different but wanted to share how I calm myself down.