View Full Version : No support from my own Family at all

06-12-06, 16:30
Hello, I have no support from my so called family at all, they think I am trying to opt out of things. My Husband and his family know what I feel but nothing in the way of support. As I am a carer for my Hubby as hes disabled and I have to do most things. I have a lot of my plate at the best of times. Regards Amanda Harrison

Amanda. Harrison

06-12-06, 16:39
Hi there, sorry you are having a rough time at the moment. Having to care for your hubby in itself will be stressful, let alone having feelings of panic/anixety etc...It is so difficult for people to understand that because we do not show any physical symptoms (on the outside of course) that we have a problem. Do you get a chance for any time for yourself, are any of your family able to help with your hubby? I am so sorry that I have no sound advice for you, but can so understand how you are feeling, others will be along soon to advise you. take care and keep in touch. xx

06-12-06, 16:46
Hi, Amanda. Even in the best of circumstances, being a care giver is loaded with anxiety, fear and plain old stress. I'm sorry that you are so unsupported! Are you able to do anything for yourself? I personally have found yoga very helpful with my anxiety. If it appeals to you, it is something you could do at home. Have you any friends who are offering any support? Good luck to you!!

06-12-06, 18:16

I am sorry things are hard on you. I hope your family will take time out and realize what is going on and how difficult things can be for you.

I really wish you the best!

"Be The Change You Want To See In The World"...

Take Care of You,


06-12-06, 18:21
Being a full time carer takes its toll. My sister in law has downs, and her Mum finds it difficult sometimes - she loves her to bits but it is a big responsibility.

Have your family actually said they think you are trying to opt out? I ask because when we feel down it is easy to think no one understands us, and their concern can be mistaken for lack of understanding. I had this battle with my parents and sister. Sadly, no one CAN know exactly how we feel unless they have been through it.
My sister has shouted at me in the past, out of frustration, and I shout back. Tempting as it is sometimes to tell her to f off, I always forgive and accept any apology - you need all the support you can get when you are dealing with anxiety. Take care,

Nel xxx

06-12-06, 18:24
I know hwo you feel...I never see anyone really and none ever rings me or writes or emails or visits even though they know my situation. I just don't get it. Human beings can be so selfish. That's why I'm glad I have this site. We have each other as I always say. We're not physically in the same room but we're with each other in spirit.

06-12-06, 18:48
hi Amanda
dont worry you will get plenty of support here we all know what its like to have this awfull thing called anxiety/panic ,thinking of you in spirit