View Full Version : Don't read if easily triggered!

Rachel Ball
06-12-06, 16:38
Hi there,

Just a question about one of my OCD problems that drive me mad.

My obsessions started with swallowing about six years again, after months I moved onto breathing, then blinking. I have many other things that I obsess about, (like nervous twitches i.e stretching my neck muscles or similar). Anyway, the one that bothers me the most is the blinking thing. I can go all day thinking about every single one, so much so that it begins to hurt becuase I am perhaps over doing it. All the others I can now deal with as I would rather have them than the blinking - i'm happy to put up with them if it means I don't have to be blink aware all day. i am always obsessing about something, it's always a destructive thought, rather than anything positive!!

I'm doing alot better lately since ive been taking 20mg Citalopram. I am tempted to try and brush it under the carpet because im feeling ok (I still obsess but it's not making me desperately depressed and anxious - thanks drugs!), however it is still there and would become a living hell again if I stopped taking the tabs. Any ideas folks??