View Full Version : Pregnant and had to stop paxil

01-05-14, 18:08
I just found out I am 4-5 weeks pregnant and my doctor had me completely stop taking Paxil. I was takin 10mg/day for about 9-12 months now. I am now having extreme heart palpitations and what I would call "brain zaps." Has anyone experienced this. I know you're not supposed to stop just taking mediation like that but I have to so what's best for my peanut. However, all I do is cry because I feel like something is really wrong. They want to put me on Zoloft but my anxiety was well under control until I started experiencing the withdrawal symptoms. Any idea how I can make this go away or whether it is normal!?

01-05-14, 23:46
I had this when I stopped Prozac many years ago. It's horrible but a normal effect of withdrawal. For me it lasted a good couple of weeks then it gradually went away. Maybe see how you feel when the withdrawal wears off and then make a decision about whether to start new medication. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

02-05-14, 00:36
I stopped Zoloft right before I got pregnant it took a few weeks to adjust. Thankfully in the second trimester your anxiety should improve. Congratulations by way :)

02-05-14, 02:24
Thank you! Your replies make me feel better. It's miserable right now but I know it will be okay and remind myself that it will go away! :)